December 2005, Volume 27, No. 12

What's in the web for family physicians - online orthopaedics references

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics

This is a well-quoted online textbook on orthopaedics and musculo skeletal disorders. Apart from text descriptions and hyperlinked notes on treatment and complications, there are good illustrations with the use of X-rays, diagrams and photos. A wide range of orthopaedic topics for medical professionals are covered and access of information is via alphabetical index or broad subject categories including fractures, joints, muscles, nerves and trauma. The site also provides a search facility and links to other orthopaedic resources such as journals, news and online textbooks. Content of the website are derived from reliable sources like journal articles, CME meetings and lectures. There is also a section on medications and drug indices to make the website more comprehensive.

Orthopedic surgery textbook at eMedicine

This online textbook from is intended for practising medical professionals. Updated chapters on a wide range of orthopaedic surgery topics including biomechanics, different regions of the body, neoplasms, paediatrics, systemic diseases, and trauma. Like other eMedicine textbooks, full details on authors and editors are provided with each chapter, the content of which can be updated by the authors as necessary at any time.

Orthopedics Hyperguide

This is a sponsored website dedicated to accredited CME. The main features of the website include tutorials, online lectures and CME test questions in orthopaedics. Tutorials focus on discussions about clinical and radiographic features of different orthopaedic problems, their diagnoses, risk factors, evaluation, treatment and outcome. Clinical photographs, radiographs, and magnetic resonance images are available in these tutorials. Online CME lectures are also available at the website, many with synchronized audio recordings and the presentation slides. Orthopaedic topics are categorized into different subject headings including Basic Science, Foot and Ankle, Hand, Pediatric Orthopedics, Spine, Sports Medicine, Trauma, and Tumor. Registration is free but may take a few days.

South Australian Orthopaedic Registrars' Notebook

Well organized revision notes on orthopaedics are made available online. These notes are produced by Orthopaedic Registrars of the South Australian Training Program to assist studying for examinations in orthopaedics. These notes are prepared based on journal articles, clinical meetings and other CME resources. Orthopaedic problems are classified according to Disease type, Region of the body, Trauma, and Paediatrics for easy retrieval.

The Five Minute Orthopaedic Consultant

Developed and maintained by Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The Five Minute Orthopaedic Consultant has a library with hundreds of orthopaedic topics arranged in alphabetical order. Each topic comes with a concise explanatory description and then appropriate management for reference. The Orthopaedic Consultant is included in the website of the Medical Centre as part of their physician information.


WorldOrtho is an interactive site on orthopaedics built for practicing doctors and paramedicals. It features CME articles, quizzes and online textbooks. The Electronic Textbook of Orthopaedics covers a comprehensive range of topics in orthopaedics. In depth reviews of orthopaedic disorders illustrated with colour graphics and images are available. The principal chapters range from basic sciences, radiology of the musculoskeletal system, pathology, paediatric orthopaedics to bone trauma, hip and knee reconstruction and primary care for the spinal injured. Another online reference Simple Guide to Orthopedics is an illustrated e-book covering topics like examination techniques, neuropathies, bone tumours, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and pathological fractures. The pages are available in pdf format.

Alfred K Y Tang, MBBS (HK)
Family Physician in Private Practice.

Correspondence to : Dr Alfred K Y Tang, Shop 3A, 2/F, Hsin Kuang Shopping Centre, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR.

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