August 2001, Volume 23, No. 8

What’s in the web for family physicians – ear, nose and throat

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

Practical ENT For Primary Care Physicians

Website with reviews of common ENT disorders and procedures, such as otitis media, otitis externa, sinusitis, hearing loss, etc. built by Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto. The manual takes a practical approach, giving information and tips to help manage patients.

Clinical Otoscopy Images

An atlas of clinical otoscopy images categorised by the site of lesion and pathology. They represent cases seen in routine audiological practice. The pictures are all well taken and informative. All diagnoses listed were provided by referring and consulting ENT, dermatology and primary care physicians who are responsible for the medical care of these cases.

On-Line Airway Atlas

A comprehensive collection of ENT and larynx images made by direct visualisation. Examples include polyps, nasopharynx, vocal cords, Paediatric facial anomalies etc. Images are well-organised and educational.

ENT articles recently released at respected online sources such as the New England Journal of Medicine or the Journal of the American Medical Association. Articles are also subcategorised by subspecialties such as allergy, nose, sinus, diagnostics etc.

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy: Otolaryngology

Hypertext presentation of ENT textbook materials. It covers ENT problems, symptoms, common clinical procedures, and laboratory tests. The search engine allows keyword search on any ENT terms.

Medical Images and Illustrations

A collection of organised Internet links to ENT images and illustrations. The pictures are presented in thumbnails. Clicking on the thumbnail will enlarge the picture for viewing. The video are in REAL format. The videos are presented in several data file sizes. The larger the data file the better quality the picture but the longer it will take to download.

Otitis Media Cases

A website developed by the American Academy of Paediatrics for Online Learning in Otitis Media. These online case studies are developed to help physicians diagnose and manage Otitis Media with Effusion (OME). Cases with the full clinical spectrum of otitis media (OM) including acute otitis media (AOM), unresponsive AOM, recurrent AOM and OM with effusion are presented.

A K Y Tang, MBBS(HK)
Family Physician in Private Practice.

Correspondence to : Dr A K Y Tang, Shop 67, Level 2, Tai Po Plaza, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong.

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