1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
CDC resource covers news, guidelines, statistical data and recommendations related to different health topics and preventive issues. The website also contains information on traveller's health, announcements, CDC Fact Book, and links to many web sites related to infectious diseases. The CME module, CDC Continuing Education Activity ( http://mmwr.cdc.gov/internetcet/
cetapp.asp), covers topics related to infectious diseases and public health is available. CDC's famous weekly publication, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr), contains data and reports on infectious and chronic diseases, together with topics of interest to the public health community.
2. The Johns Hopkins University Division of Infectious Diseases
The website developed by Johns Hopkins University presents, fact sheets, educational materials, case studies on infectious diseases. It covers precautions, infection control practices, and links to many related resources. Information on centers for hepatitis, tuberculosis and travel medicine is available, as is an antibiotic guide.
3. ProMED Mail (The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases)
This is a popular global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases and toxins. In the form of a mailing list, it is open to subscription by any Internet users interested in infectious diseases and public health. It is a program of International Society of Infectious Disease, who also have a very informative home page on infectious diseases at http://www.isid.org/index.html
4. American Medical Association :Resources on Infectious Disease
This website has comprehensive information coverage on infectious diseases with news, literature abstracts and updates, CME opportunities, vaccination resources, and links to many related resources on Internet. The scope of information ranges from Anthrax as biological weapon, antibiotics and antimicrobials, bloodborne pathogens, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, vaccination resources to viral hepatitis.
5. Vaccine Education Center
The Vaccine Education Center, through its web site, provides information on all vaccines available. Information covered include how vaccines work, how they are made, when they should be given, whether they are still necessary and whether they are safe. For each vaccine, the vaccine schedule, common concerns, vaccines and immunisation for children, teens, adults, travellers and frequently asked questions are presented. The website is developed by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Links to different resources on Bioterrorism including the media on demand page of CDC, together with information pages on Anthrax and other bioterrorism agents from CDC and public health authorities. Hyperlinks to information resources on what physicians need to know on bioterrorism, how to get prepare and response are also included.
7. The Bad Bug Book
Developed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this online handbook covers all foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. It provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms, parasitic protozoa, worms, natural toxins and prions. It puts together information from the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.
A K Y Tang , MBBS(HK)
Family Physician in Private Practice
Correspondence to : Dr A K Y Tang, Shop 67, Level 2, Tai Po Plaza, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong.
E-mail: alfredtang@hkma.org