April 2002, Vol 24, No. 4

What's in the web for family physicians - local medical resources

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

1. Diabetes Hongkong 香港糖尿聯會

Developed by Diabetes Hongkong, the website has abundant patient education materials such as video show, newsletter, diet advice and basic facts about Diabetes. Diabetic patients will benefit from this website with the general information on diabetes as well as dieting advice. Family physicians may be interested in the complication screening programme offered by the Diabetes HK centre which is free of charge for public housing residents, and those who are on public assistance. The screening includes checking of eyes (retinography), BMI, urine protein, feet and blood pressure check.

2. Caritas Family Service 香港明愛家庭服務

The website outlines the all-rounded family services offered by the organization, which ranges from family counselling, school social work, rehabilitative service for drug abusers and the emotionally disturbed. Referral information are also available. Family physicians may like to know more about the services available which could be useful in crisis intervention of their patients or family members.

3. Heep Hong Society 協康會

The website gives a clear accounts of the mission of Heep Hong Society in providing early education and training services to children with special needs. A rundown of the different types of children centres run by the Society are described in the website. It would be useful for the parents of these children to know of the extended service of the Society designed to strengthen parents' competence in taking care of their children. This includes parent resources centre where parent support groups, resource library, seminars, workshop and professional advices are available.

4. Children's Cancer Foundation 兒童癌病基金

The website covers the range of services the Foundation is offering towards the physical and mental betterment of cancer child patients. It would be nice for parents of cancer kids to know of the services which included family counselling services, financial assistance services, educational, training and rehabilitation services to patients and their family. General information on childhood cancer is also available at the website.

5. Mental Health Association of Hong Kong 香港心理衛生會

The website gives an account of the services and activities offered by the Association, namely ex-mentally ill persons, mentally handicapped people and disabled persons. The services such as halfway houses, special schools, day activity centre, hostels, shelter workshop are outlined for references. It would be very useful for parents of the mentally ill to be aware of such services, and how these resources could be useful to their family members.

6. The Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society 香港防癌會

Abundant patient information is available in this website on cancer conditions, its prevention, statistics and latest research news on different cancer conditions. Materials are presented in different formats like quizzes, online games, frequently asked questions to make the website particularly interesting and useful to cancer patients and their families. Referral and contact information of various patient support groups available are listed for reference.

7. Other local resources that may be of interest to family physicians:



The Spastics Association of Hong Kong 香港痙攣患者


Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease & Brain Failure Association 香港老年癡呆症協會


Hong Kong AIDS Foundation 香港愛滋病基金會


Society for the Welfare of the Autistic Persons 自閉症人士福利促進會


The Hong Kong Liver Foundation 香港肝壽基金

Alfred KY Tang, MBBS (HK), MFM (Monash)
Family Physician in Private Practice

Correspondence to: Dr Alfred KY Tang, Shop 3A, 2/F, Hsin Kuang Shopping Centre, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

E-mail: alfredtang@hkma.org