Table 2: Treatment guideline (GINA) for asthmatic children 5 years of age and younger

    Treatment for infants and young children (5 years of age and younger)
    Long-term preventive   Quick-relief
Severe persistent
  Daily medication:   - Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator:
inhaled 2-agonist or 2-agonist tablets or syrup as needed for symptoms, not to exceed 3-4 times in one day
  - Inhaled corticosteroid    
  - MDI with spacer and face mask >1mg daily or    
  - Nebulised budesonide >1mg bid    
  - If needed, add oral steroids - lowest possible dose on an alternate-day, early morning schedule    
Moderate persistent
  Daily medication:   - Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator:
inhaled 2-agonist or 2-agonist tablets or syrup as needed for symptoms, not to exceed 3-4 times in one day
  - Inhaled corticosteroid    
  - MDI with spacer and face mask 400-800mcg daily or    
  - Nebulised budesonide 1mg bid    
Mild persistent
  Daily medication:   - Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator:
inhaled 2-agonist or 2-agonist tablets or syrup as needed for symptoms, not to exceed 3-4 times in one day
  - Either inhaled corticosteroid (200-400mcg) or cromoglycate (use MDI with a spacer and face mask or use a nebuliser)    
  - None needed   - Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator:
inhaled 2-agonist, as needed for symptoms, but not more than three times a week
GINA = Global Initiative for Asthma