November 2004, Vol 26, No. 11 |
Update Articles
Alzheimer's disease: an outline for clinicians
C W Lo 勞振威
HK Pract 2004;26:460-469
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common diseases of the elderly. With the increasing population of people over the age of 65, the number of Alzheimer patients is expected to rise relentlessly, resulting in a heavy burden on societal resources and on family caregivers. There is as yet no cure for AD. Treatment to slow down the progression of AD may help to reduce the social cost and strain of the carers.
A dramatic demographic change is occurring in all countries, Hong Kong being no exception, wherein the oldest segments of the population are increasing at a fast pace. The population aged 65 and over is expected to rise from the current 11% to 20% in the next ten years. With this increase there will be an epidemic of aged related diseases, one the most frightening of these diseases is the progressive dementing disorders.
Dementia is a syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of chronic or progressive nature, in which there is disturbance of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement. Consciousness is not clouded. The impairments of cognitive function are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour or motivation (ICD-10).
The most common of the dementing disorders is Alzheimer's disease (AD), and recent years have brought about unprecedented progress in understanding the genetics, pathology and treatment of this disease. The present article summarizes the new findings and treatment modalities for practicing family physicians.
Epidemiological studies indicate that prevalence of dementia doubles every five years between the ages of 65 and 85. The number of dementia cases above the age of 65 is estimated to be 4 to 5%. In Hong Kong, the number of dementia cases would be in the region of 30,000, about 70% of which are Alzheimer's disease.
Dementia not due to Alzheimer's disease
Although Alzheimer's disease is the most common of the dementias, clinicians should look out for other possible causes, some of them reversible, that would affect cognitive function. There are dozens of unusual causes of dementing diseases in older individuals, the following conditions are relatively common, either alone or in combination with other aetiologies.
Depression |
Vascular dementia (VAD) and mixed dementias |
Parkinson's disease |
Lewy body diseases |
Frontotemporal dementias |
Down syndrome (Mongolism) |
Endocrine diseases (Thyroid, Addison, Cushing, Korsaff, B12 deficiency) |
Hydrocephalus, tumour |
Infection (meningitis, encephalitis, HIV) |
Overmedication (sedatives, sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, anticholinergic medications etc.) |
Toxic conditions (drug, alcohol, heavy metal (lead, copper)). |
Evaluation |
Patient history: Dementing patients often minimize or deny their problems, and self assessment of memory problems do not accurately reflect functional abilities. Therefore, the history should always be gathered from a family member or close acquaintance, in addition to the patient. |
Current symptoms and functional capabilities: It is important to distinguish sudden or insidious onset cases. Symptoms that appear to fluctuate, including prolonged periods of apparent return to normal, are more likely to represent depression, medication overdose, or metabolic disorders. If a patient is already obviously impaired, a history that includes a functional assessment would be helpful. Impairment of functional performance in the dementing diseases is associated with: |
Instrumental activities of daily living (managing finances, telephoning, taking medication, planning a meal, shopping, working) |
Activities of daily living (dressing, bathing, toileting, grooming, eating, walking) |
Physical examination |
The physician should watch out for hypertension and signs of vascular disease; signs of cardiac disease; signs suggesting pulmonary and endocrine diseases; neurological abnormalities such as focal weakness, gait problems, parkinsonism or myoclonus, and psychiatric features that suggest depression or thought disorder. |
Mental state examination |
A simple standardised cognitive rating scale is the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The MMSE includes 11 questions, requires 5 to 10 minutes and minimal training to administer. The first section calls for verbal responses to assess orientation, memory, and attention. The remaining sections examine simple naming, the ability to follow verbal and written commands, to write a sentence spontaneously, and to copy a geometrical figure. The maximum score is 30. Originally, scores below 24 were interpreted to suggest some degree of dementia. (The Hong Kong version of the MMSE uses 20 points as cut off). It is now clear that mild cognitive impairment may be seen with higher scores (26 or 27) in highly educated persons. For the illiterate, the cut off point is suggested by some to be 18.
Besides cognitive impairment, depression is also a common problem in older adults. They present frequently with somatic symptoms, sleep problems and memory difficulties. The clinician can explore these complaints by asking tactful questions about mood and probing for vegetative signs, such as loss of interests, appetite and libido.
Ancillary diagnostic studies: |
Structural imaging studies: Simple atrophy in structural images is not diagnostically helpful because of the overlap between normal aging brain atrophy and the more pronounced atrophy in the degenerative dementias. Structural imaging (preferably MRI scan) is useful in the workup of dementia in order to discover the presence of strokes; hydrocephalus and tumours. |
Functional imaging studies: Cerebral blood flow reflects the metabolic status of the brain and can be more sensitive to early dementing disease. When combined with other information such as ApoE genotyping, PET may be capable of detecting early cerebral dysfunction in at risk persons. |
Blood tests: Complete blood picture, liver function test, renal function test, thyroid stimulating hormone, VDRL, B12 level and the electrolytes. |
The ICD 10 general criteria for dementia is extracted below in Box 1.
The definite diagnosis of AD can only be made after the death of the patient by histopathological examination of the brain. However, the diagnosis of AD can be made in life with good sensitivity (between 80% and 100%). The NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for the clinical diagnosis of AD is given in Box 2.
Risk factors |
Age: Advancing age is the most important factor associated with increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. |
Family history of dementia: Increases relative risk 3 to 4 fold (at lease up to age 80). The cumulative incidence of AD in first degree relatives of individuals with AD is 40% by the ninth decade of life. |
Genetic factors: These are discussed below. |
Female gender: Confers a slightly higher risk for AD in some studies, whereas men are at a somewhat greater risk for vascular dementia. |
Education: Is a protective factor against dementia in a number of epidemiological studies. Low education may be a risk factor. |
Head injury: Is a consistent risk factor for AD. Individuals with the ApoE4 allele may be relatively more vulnerable to poor cognitive outcome after head injury. |
Vascular disease: There is some evidence that hypertension, coronary heart disease and/or myocardial infarction may be associated with poor cognitive outcome. |
Protective factors |
Possible protective factors that are under investigation include anti-inflammatory drugs, cholesterol lowering drugs, antioxidants, wine (in moderation), low fat diet, aerobic conditioning, and mental activity. |
Alzheimer's disease has an important genetic component.
Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) is usually indistinguishable from the typical forms except for the earlier age of onset. Deterministic AD mutations have been identified in three regions:
The amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene on chromosome 21; |
The presenilin (PS-1) gene, which codes for a transmembrane protein, is located on chromosome 14; |
A second presenilin (PS-2) gene, which also codes for a transmembrane protein, is located on chromosome 1. |
Families with FAD are of great scientific interest, but these families are quite rare, constituting less than 5% of the families who have AD. In more typical AD cases, it is suggested that multiple susceptibility genes mix and match with environmental risk factors to develop AD. The most well-established of these susceptibility genes in AD are the polymorphisms associated with the ApoE protein.
Apolipoprotein E is a plasma protein synthesized by the liver and also produced by the glial cells in the central nervous system. It transports cholesterol and lipids between cells, is involved in the building and re-innervation of neuronal cells following injury, and may be associated with the production or deposition of amyloid, the binding of tau, and the pathophysiology of AD. The gene (APOE) that codes for the ApoE protein has 3 alleles, designated e2,e3, and e4. The inheritance of the e4 allele is a powerful risk factor for AD.
In comparison to the most common combination (e3/e3), the presence of a single e4 allele triples the risk of having AD, whereas the presence of two e4 alleles increases that risk by about 15 fold. Under some circumstances, APOE genotyping may be helpful in the diagnostic workup of demented patients, but is currently not recommended for predictive risk assessment except within highly controlled research environments.
There are numerous neuropathological changes in the brain of patients with AD, but the major histopathologic hallmarks of AD are:
Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs); |
Amyloid beta (Ab) peptide deposition in senile plaques (SP) and blood vessels; |
Neuronal death. |
Neurofibrillary tangles are masses of abnormal filaments within the cytoplasm of neurons that are made up of "paired helical filaments". The major protein abnormality in NFTs is the presence of a highly insoluble protein called tau. The intracellular deposition of tau and its disruption of the normal cytoskeletal architecture may be an important factor in the death of neurons. (Figure 1)
Amyloid deposition appears to play a critical role in the pathophysiology of AD. The amyloid precursor protein (APP) molecule is a transmembrane protein of unknown function. The metabolism of APP involves an enzyme, termed the alpha secretase, that cuts the molecule and produce a long protein known as the soluble APP alpha. (Figure 2)
In AD, this normal metabolism is altered. The APP molecule is cut at a different extracelluar site by beta secretase and within the transmembrane region by another enzyme gamma secretase. The molecular fragments produced by these cuts is either 40 or 42 amino acids in length, and is termed the Ab or beta amyloid. In AD, the alternative cleavage pattern of APP and the resulting production of beta amyloid are increased, resulting in the deposition of beta amyloid in senile plaques and blood vessels.
Senile plaques are spherical structures composed of degenerative neuronal processes, extracellular Ab, microglia and astrocytes.
Neuronal death occurs in normal aging, but patients with AD lose more neurons than normal at an earlier age. In AD, the effects of tau or Ab deposition may accelerate this process. Another factor that may accelerate cell death is inflammation of the brain of AD patients.
Neurotransmitter system abnormalities
The cholinergic system: The discovery that cortically projecting cholinergic cells in the basal forebrain's Nucleus Basalis of Meynert are devastated in AD have contributed to the notion of this disease as a cholinergic dementia. The activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of acetylcholine, is markedly reduced in the cortices of AD patients. Researchers have since developed strategies to enhance the cholinergic system and they included dietary choline, muscarinic receptor agonists and cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEI). The ChEIs are now widely used in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.
Other neurotransmitter systems: It is found that noradrenergic neurons, serotonergic neurons are also depleted in AD patients. Abnormalities of other neurotransmitters and neuropeptides are also documented.
The cholinergic hypothesis
The cholinergic system was the first neurotransmitter system to be described. The first cholinesterase inhibitor, physostigmine, is more than one hundred years old. In the CNS, acetylcholine has been considered to act as an overall modulator and moderator in the cerebral cortex, and amongst other things enhances the effects of glutamate.
The cholinergic hypothesis suggests that AD results from a selective loss in cholinergic neurons with decreased acetylcholine levels. Patients with severe AD show AchE (esterase) and ChAT (transferase) levels 85-90% lower than normal. Meanwhile, BuChE (butyrylcholinesterase) increases, possibly due to higher synthesis or gliosis. These patients therefore have very little residual AChE in their cortex. This suggests that perhaps the increased BuChE would be a better therapeutic target than AChE.
The nicotinic system is also relevant in this context. AD patients show clear deficits in nicotinic binding sites and this led to hopes for the development of new nicotinic drugs.
Treatments that increase the level of acetylcholine would be expected to provide clinical benefit, but clinical trials of dietary precursors of acetylcholine and muscarinic receptor agonists have been unsuccessful. Until recently, the most successful approach is to increase Ach levels by the inhibiting cholinesterase function through the use of cholinesterase inhibitors.
However, it is found that cholinergic activity is probably not lost to any significant degree until later in the course of AD, so it makes sense to explore other options.
The glutamatergic system
Glutamate is the major transmitter of the brain and is involved in all aspects of cognitive function since it is the transmitter of cortical and hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Disturbance of excitatory glutamatergic neurotransmission is believed to be associated with many neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.
There are two main classes of glutamate receptors, the ionotropic (including NMDA and AMPA) receptors and the metabotropic receptors. The current interests lie in the study of NMDA receptors, which are involved in learning and memory.
It is known physiologically, NMDA receptors are transiently activated by glutamate, whereas during pathological activation such as that occurring in AD, NMDA receptors are likely activated by lower concentrations of glutamate but more or less continuously. Under such conditions, temporally uncoordinated, continuous stimulation of NMDA receptors produces enhanced noise, decreasing the probability of detecting the relevant signal once it arrives. This produces a progressive deficit in cognitive functions. This overactivation of glutamate receptors and continuous calcium ion influx ultimately leads to damage of neurons not able to compensate and further decline of cognitive functions. (Figure 3)
As a result of the above argument, a search for a NMDA antagonist is thought to be able to counteract this deficit. The high affinity antagonist MK801 (dizocilpine) has long been known but produces numerous side effects. Memantine, a new compound and a low affinity antagonist, is found to serve the purpose well. Following strong synaptic activation, memantine can leave the NMDA receptor channel due to its voltage dependency and fast unblocking kinetics. As such, memantine suppresses synaptic noise but allows the relevant physiological synaptic signal to be detected. This provides both neuroprotective and symptomatic restoration of synaptic plasticity.
The neuropathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
The exact underlying mechanism for development of Alzheimer's disease is still unkown. A sequence of pathologic events is hypothesized as follows.
The first component of the disease cascade is a dysfunctional gene that produces amyloid. Amyloid (the toxic Ab 42) produces inflammation around the senile plaques, and the inflammation sets up a cascade of seemingly uncontrollable changes in specific areas of the brain (more so in the aged brain than in the younger brain).
Damaged neurons and neurites and highly insoluble b amyloid peptide deposits and neurofibrillary tangles provide stimuli for inflammation.
Chronic inflammation may contribute to the initial stages of cellular dysfunction, increase cellular vulnerability, cause a decline in choline transferase activity, deplete acetylcholine, and the appearance of activated microglia.
Patients with Alzheimer's disease have reductions in the glutamate transporter for glial cells, which is important because the transporter helps to mop up excess glutamate in the extracellular fluid. These changes lead to an increase in the extracellular concentration of glutamate. The increased level of glutamate contributes to the ultimate death of neurons (see the preceding paragraph).
Current and emerging therapies |
Cholinergic enhancement: |
Cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEI) are indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate AD. |
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Tacrine (Cognex): Was the first ChEI approved for the therapy of AD. An important drawback is the induction of elevated liver function tests. Symptomatic hepatotoxicity is rare but serum monitoring is required. Another disadvantage is that it has to be given four times a day. |
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Donezepil (Aricept): This is widely used in clinical practice throughout the world. It is given once a day in 5mg or 10mg tablets. The higher dose is associated with higher cholinergic side effects, particularly GI symptoms. |
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Rivastigmine (Exelon): Provides sustained inhibition of both AchE and BuChE. As AD progresses Acetylcho-linesterase activity decreases and Butyrylcholinesterase activity increases in the brain. Additional inhibition of BuChE may explain short and long term efficacy of Exelon. Exelon comes in 1.5mg, 3mg, 4.5mg and 6mg capsules, to be given twice a day in gradually increasing doses. |
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Galantamine (Reminyl): Has a dual mechanism of action. In addition to being a reversible ChEI, it is also a modulator of nicotinic receptors. It comes in 4mg, 8mg and 12mg tablets, to be given twice a day in increasing dose. |
Antioxidants: |
Several lines of evidence suggest that in AD there is increased oxidative stress, which may play a role in the pathophysiology of the illness. A large prospective study of the incidence of AD among persons age 65 and older suggested that high dose vitamin E or vitamin C supplements may lower the risk of AD. |
Vitamin E |
Monoamine oxidase type B inhibitors (selegiline) |
Propentofylline |
Nootropics may enhance the CNS microcirculation through reductions of platelet activity and adherence of red blood cells to vessel walls. Despite such effects, an anti-dementia mechanism has not been established. |
Piracetam (Nootropil) |
Sermion |
Duxaril |
Sibelium |
Anti-inflammatory agents: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who receive chronic anti-inflammatory treatment have a reduced risk of AD. The evidence is not sufficient to recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for either prophylaxis or treatment of AD. |
NSAID. To be effective, treatment with NSAID must begin well before the symptoms of AD appear, in order to slow down the progression of the disease. A combination of NSAID with antioxidants may be more effective. |
Statins: Epidemiological studies suggest that treatment with statins, inhibitors of the cholesterol synthesizing enzyme, also protects from Alzheimer's disease. The mechanisms may be through direct effects on Ab 42 production, although microvascular and endothelial effects of the statins and other indirect mechanisms cannot be excluded. |
Hormone replacement therapy: |
Oestrogens may improve cognitive function through cholinergic neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects. There is some evidence that women who had taken oestrogens for the treatment of post- menopausal symptoms had a better response in terms of an improvement in cognitive symptoms than those who had not taken oestrogens. |
Other neurotransmitter system modification: |
NMDA antagonists: Memantine (Ebixa). The mechanism of action of memantine is discussed above. Ebixa comes in tablet form of 10mg each. Over a period of four weeks the medication is to be stepped up from 5mg a day to 10mg twice a day. |
Other therapies: |
APP secretase inhibitors: Amyloid deposition is now regarded as one of the earliest changes that initiate AD. It would appear that, regardless of the position of the mutation, the final outcome is the increase in neurotoxic A 42 in the brain. This has led to the hypothesis that the aggregated form of A is primarily responsible for the symptoms of AD and it might be possible to develop appropriate drugs to prevent the neurotoxic damage by blocking the synthesis of A . It is known that beta and gamma secretases are responsible for cleaving APP to A , so that by inhibiting these enzymes it might be possible to block the progression of the disease. Alternatively, enhancing the activity of alpha secretase, leading to the formation of non-amyloidogenic end product, might also be beneficial. (Figure 4) |
Vaccine: Experimental studies have shown that Ab peptide immunization reduces the cognitive impairments and the formation of plaques in rodent models of AD. This finding led to the development of vaccines for human use. Trial studies were terminated because 5% of the patients developed meningo-encephalitis. Further studies are awaited, with reformulation of the vaccine. |
Management of agitation and behavioural problems |
Physical and verbal agitation (pushing, hitting, kicking, biting, screaming, crying). Behavioural modification, for example, in case of a patient who resists putting on a T-shirt when his vision is blocked, a change to a shirt that buttons up at the front, would be able to solve the aggression. For patients who cannot express themselves but scream and yell, it is important to perform a physical examination to rule out the presence of bone fracture, dental caries or other sources of pain or discomfort. |
Hallucinations and delusions. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate true hallucinations from misperceptions and visual distortions that can occur through the combination of impaired vision and confused cognition. Better lighting may reduce the frequency of misinterpretations. Hallucinations often have a paranoid quality and delusional patients are more prone to agitation, wandering and disturbed sleep. Low dose antipsychotic treatment may help. |
Wandering and pacing carry the risk of elopement and falls. Pacing may sometimes be caused by akathisia as a side effect of neuroleptic treatment and may be improved by reducing these medications. |
Sleep disruption occurs in more than half of community dwelling AD patients. The term "sundowning" is the onset or exacerbation of agitation, restlessness, panic and verbal and physical outbursts in the evening. Abnormalities of the sleep wake cycle have been implicated as potential causes of sundowning |
.Symptoms of depression and anxiety. Depressive symptoms often coexist with dementia. Vascular dementia cases often present with lability of mood. Anxiety symptoms of nervousness, worry and apprehension may be more common early in dementia when patients are more aware of their deficiencies. Only 20% to 40% of cases respond to anti-anxiety or antidepressant treatments. |
Non-pharmacological interventions
There are a number of non-cognitive symptoms in dementia that provide problems not only for the person with dementia, but for the carer and in clinical management.
The most obvious are agitation, aggressive mood disorder, psychosis, sexual disinhibition, eating problem and abnormal vocalization.
Besides using medications, there are a number of non-pharmacological approaches to the management of these types of problems, interested readers are advised to consult special articles in this field. A brief outline is given below:
Behavioural therapy requires a period of detailed assessment in which the triggers, behaviours and reinforcers are identified and their relationship made clear to the patient. The therapist will often use some kind of chart or diary to gather information about the manifestation of a behaviour and the sequence of actions leading up to it. Interventions are based on an analysis of these findings. |
Reality orientation aims to help people with memory loss and disorientation by reminding them of facts about themselves and their environment. This involves consistent use of orientation devices such as signposts, notices and other memory aids. |
Reminiscence therapy involves helping a person with dementia to relive past experiences, especially those that might be positive and personally significant, for example family holidays and weddings. |
Alternative therapies include "art therapy", "music therapy", "activity therapy" (dance, sport), "complementary therapy" (massage, reflexology) and "aromatherapy" (use of lavender oil in bathing, inhalation, massage and topical application). |
Key messages
- Early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease is conducive to lowering the burden on caregivers and societal costs.
- Knowledge on the risk factors and protection factors may help to reduce the chance and severity of developing the illness.
- There are currently two approaches to the pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease, medications that act on the cholinergic system and on the glutamatergic system.
- As our understanding of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease advances, more effective treatment methods are under investigation to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease.
C W Lo, MBBS(HK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych Psychiatrist in Private Practice.
Correspondence to : Dr C W Lo, Room 1003, Commercial House, 35 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong.
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