October 2004, Vol 26, No. 10

What's in the web for family physicians - diabetes and endocrinology

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

1. Thyroid Disease Manager

This is a website dedicated to the physiology and patho-physiology of the thyroid gland. Visitors of the website could locate easily an online textbook "The Thyroid and its Diseases", which is a concise and easy-to-read reference of thyroid diseases. Other CME materials of the website include case studies, selected abstracts from current medical literatures, medical news, and online CME modules. The website also hyperlinks to ENDOTEXT.ORG (http://endotext.org), where there are up to thirteen online textbooks on different aspects of endocrinology.

2. AACE Clincial Practice Guidelines

Maintained by American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the website has an archive of the position statements and practice guidelines for management of different endocrine conditions. Common conditions like postmenopausal osteoporosis, clinical use of dietary supplement and nutraceuticals, diabetes, hypogonadism, thyroid nodule, use of growth hormone are included. The guidelines constitute good reference materials for practicing physicians.

3. The Endocrine Society

This multimedia CME website on endocrinology harbors a library of recorded lectures as well as audio-conferences on different topics in endocrinology. Other useful materials on the website include medical news on endocrinology, publication news, links to the various publications of the society and other related sites on Internet. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (http://jcem.endojournals.org) is one of the publications carried by The Endocrine Society. It publishes online original studies, special articles, rapid communications and commentaries. Access to full text requires (free) registration.

4. Pituitary Network Association

The focus of this CME is on the pituitary gland and its associated diseases. Online patient brochures on conditions like acromegaly, hypopituitarism, pituitary tumours, news and clinical trials are available. A search engine allows search of keywords into the website. There is also a multimedia library with a good collection of medical lectures and health videos on various topics related to pituitary diseases.

5. CME On Diabetes

This website put together a library of on-line lectures by endocrine specialists on type 2 diabetes. One can find numerous presentations (presentation slides with voice-over) categorized by insulin resistance, epidemiology, treatment/therapies, prevention and pathophysiology. Latest medical news on diabetes, online version of the CME-on-Diabetes Newsletter, and links to other related Internet resources are also present. Registration (free) is required to access information on the website.

6. National Diabetes Education Initiative (NDEI)

The National Diabetes Education Initiative is a website focusing on education aspects of type 2 diabetes. It is designed for physicians and other healthcare professionals involved in the care and management of patients with type 2 diabetes. Issues concerning insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, together with its associated complications to the various options for treatment and prevention are covered in the website. The section on multimedia presentation has well-recorded web casts of lectures relating to Diabetes. Guidelines in the treatment of the various aspects of Diabetes are also available.

Alfred KY Tang, MBBS (HK), MFM (Monash)
Family Physician in Private Practice

Correspondence to: Dr Alfred KY Tang, Shop 3A, 2/F, Hsin Kuang Shopping Centre, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

E-mail: alfredtang@hkma.org

Please note that this and previous editions of "What's in the Web for Family Physicians" are now on the links page of the Web site. All suggested sites are connected by hyperlinks and can be reached by a click of the mouse.