- One parent family
- One step-parent
- Low parental education
- Low occupational status
- Low income
- Unemployment
- Marital problems
- Health problems
- Chaotic or obsessively
- Social isolation
- Criminality
- Frequent address changes
- Crisis or tension in family
- Cultural beliefs
- New immigrants
- Domestic violence
- History of childhood abuse
- Childhood rejection, deprivations
- History of domestic violence
- History of recurrent illness
- Alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling
- Unreasonable expectation on the child
- Strong belief in harsh discipline/corporal punishment
- Overly critical
- Parent immaturity
- Low-self esteem
- Passiveness
- Low intelligence
- Low stress tolerance
- Diffusion and confusion in family roles
- Sexual problems
- Inadequate parenting
- Premature birth
- Unwanted child
- Illegitimate child
- Feeding or sleeping problems
- Non-thriving baby
- Early separation from parents
- Complicated birth delivery
- Conflicting child care rearing practices
- Physical or mental disability organized home
- Child associated with family misfortune
- Poor anger control