Box 2: Local reporting criteria for suspected human H5N1 influenza cases in Hong Kong (from ref 5)
Reporting Criteria for Human Influenza A (H5, H7, or H9) infection
An individual fulfilling both the Clinical Criteria AND Epidemiological Criteria should be reported to CHP for further investigation.
Clinical Criteria
  person with acute respiratory illness, characterized by fever (temperature >38oC) and cough and/or sore throat, OR
  person with severe pneumonia, OR
  person died of unexplained acute respiratory illness
  Epidemiological Criteria
  recent (less than 1 week) contact with a human case of Influenza A (H5), Influenza A (H7) or Influenza A (H9), OR
  recent (less than 1 week) contact with diseased poultry, diseased wild bird, or their carcasses in a country / area with documented avian influenza H5 infection in birds in recent 6 months*, OR
  recent (less than 1 week) contact with diseased poultry, diseased wild bird, or their carcasses in a country / area with documented indigenous human case of Influenza A (H5), Influenza A (H7) or Influenza A (H9) in recent 6 months*, OR
  worked in a laboratory that is processing samples from persons or animals that are suspected from avian influenza infection
* The list of country / area with documented avian influenza H5 infection in birds (including poultry and wild birds) and indigenous human case of Influenza A (H5), Influenza A (H7) or Influenza A (H9) in recent 6 months will be regularly updated and posted on CHP website.