Table 1: Pharmacokinetics profiles of oral antidiabetic drugs and dosage adjustment for special populations 1,11,21

    Pharmacokinetics   Recommended Dosages
of action
  Metabolism   Active
  Approved normal daily dose   Dosage Adjustment for Special Populations
First generation sulphonylureas
Chlorpropamide   ~ 2hrs(i)
3-6 hrs(p)
  >48hrs   Liver   N   100-500mg once daily   E: initial: 100-125mg/day
Hi: Conservative initial and maintenance dose
Tolbutamide   1 hr(i)
  12 hrs   Liver   N   500-3000mg/day
(in divided doses)
  E: N
Hi: Y
Second generation sulphonylureas
Glibenclamide   30mins(i)
2-3 hrs(p)
  24 hrs   Liver   Y   1.25-20mg/day
(once or BD)
  E: Conservative initial and maintenance dose
RF: Y (avoid if CrCl < 50ml/min)
Hi: Conservative initial and maintenance dose
Gliclazide   4-5hrs(p)   24 hrs   Liver   N   iR:40-320mg/day
(once or divided doses)
MR: 30-120mg once daily
  E: N
RF: Y (avoid in severe case)
Hi: Y
Glipizide   30 mins(i)   24 hrs   Liver   N   2.5-40mg/day
(once or divided doses)
( 30mins before food)
  E: Start with low dose, 2.5mg/day 2-3 hrs(p)
RF: N (some investigators suggested to avoid if CrCl<10ml/min)
Hi: Start with low dose, 2.5mg/day
Glimepiride   2-3hrs(p)   24 hrs   Liver   Y   1-8mg once daily   E: Start with low dose (1mg daily)
RF: Start with low dose (1mg daily)
Hi: Start with low dose (1mg daily) (avoid in severe case)
Nateglinide   ~20mins(i)
  4 hrs   Liver   Y   60-120mg tds
(30 mins to immediately before meals)
  E: N
Hi: Not necessary for mild hepatic insufficiency
Repaglinide   ~15-60mins(i)
~1 hr(p)
  4-6 hrs   Liver   N   0.5-4 mg
(30 mins to immediately before meals)
Max: 16mg/day
  E: N
RF: 0.5mg before meals in severe renal impairment
Hi: Use cautiously in hepatic insufficiency (use longer dosage interval)
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Acarbose   1 hr(p)   8-12 hrs   intestinal wall   Y   50-100mg tds before each main   E: ND meal
Hi: Contraindicated in cirrhosis
BiguanidesMetformin   Within days(i)
2 weeks(p)
  12-24 hrs   None   N   500mg-2550mg/day in divided   E: Start with conservative dose doses
RF: Contraindicated (increase risk of lactic acidosis, avoided if CrCl<60-70ml/min)
Hi: Not recommended
Pioglitazone   several weeks(p)   4 weeks (multiple dose)   Liver   Y   15-45mg once daily without regards to meals
(if used as monotherapy)
  E: N
Hi: Not to be used in patients with active liver disease or with serum transaminase levels (ALT) exceed 2.5 times the upper limit of normal.
Rosiglitazone   Onset of action
is delayed
12 weeks(p)
  ND   Liver   ND   4mg - 8mg daily
(once or divided twice daily)
without regards to meals
(reduced if in concurrent use with insulin)
  E: N
Ri: N
Hi: Not to be used in patients with active liver disease or with serum transaminase levels (ALT) exceed 2.5 times the upper limit of normal.
E = Elderly, RF = Renal failure, Hi = Hepatic insufficiency, N = No, Y= Yes, ND = Data not available, CrCl = Creatinine clearance, iR = immediate release formulation, MR = Modified release formulation