Table 1: Pros and cons of different treatment modalities for HCC

Treatment modality   pros   cons
1. Hepatectomy  
- "gold standard" for cure
- surgical morbidity
- small proportion of HCC patients
- are surgical candidates
2. Transplantation  
- survival better than resection
- removes detectable and nondetectable tumours
- replaces the cirrhotic liver
- corrects portal hypertension
- donor shortage
- surgical morbidity
- life-long immunosuppression
- expensive
3. Local ablation  
- minimally invasive
- repeated sessions possible

RFA has favourable short term results for small HCC

- high incidence of local recurrence
- long term results lacking
4. Intraarterial therapy  
- safe
- minimally invasive
- 2 RCTs showed survival benefit
- for palliation only
- variable response
5. Systemic chemotherapy  
- for systemic disease
- disappointing response