An exploratory qualitative study of patients’ views on medical e-consultation in a public
primary care setting
Kenny Kung 龔敬樂,Hoi-fung Wong 黃凱烽,Julie Chen 陳芸
HK Pract 2016;38:120-127
Objective: Telemedicine is being effectively used to
expand healthcare access to underserved populations
and is also bringing added value to existing healthcare
services. In Hong Kong, the use of telemedicine has
been very limited. However, in those settings, it has
been cost-effective and well-accepted by patients and
healthcare professionals. In primary care, the selective
use of e-consultation, as a form of telemedicine, may
help enhance the healthcare accessibility of aging
population with multi-morbidity and restricted mobility.
This study aims to explore public primary care patients’
views on e-consultation in order to identify patientcentred
issues which need to be addressed in planning
such an initiative.
Design: Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were
conducted in Chinese or English. The interviews were
audio-recorded and transcribed and the content was
analysed for recurrent themes.
Subject: 30 purposively selected primary care patients
in a single General Outpatient Clinic (GOPC) in Hong
Main outcome measures: Emerging themes from the
interviews with participants.
Results: Three key themes were identified: 1) advantages of e-consul tat ion; 2) concerns about
e-consultation and 3) suggestions to improve the
acceptability for e-consultation.
Conclusion: Primary care pat ients have minimal
experience with e-consultation, but are willing to accept
its use to improve accessibility to healthcare if their
concerns towards safety, security and communication
are addressed. Further steps to explore the feasibility
of e-consultation in primary care are warranted.
Keywords: telemedicine, e-consultation, primary care,
Hong Kong
Telemedicine (TM) or telehealth, the use of
telecommunication technologies to provide medical information and services1, has expanded in many
countries over the last decade, growing in both
popularity and prevalence within the healthcare
industry.2 While there was conflicting evidence about
the effectiveness of TM in a 2010 systematic review3,
individual studies looking at TM for specific disease
entities have been more promising. TM was comparable
with face-to-face consultations in the evaluation of
primary care patients with low back pain4, promoted
higher quality spirometry assessments5, resulted in
greater reductions in depression severity6 and improved
glycaemic control among diabetic patients.7 The
research literature also suggested that TM helped
to balance the healthcare workforce8 and to address
manpower insufficiency.9, 10
A research team in the Netherlands explored
TM in a shared care effort between primary care and
specialist palliative care team clinicians.11 Patients
and their caregivers had weekly videoconferencing
interaction with the specialist and primary care
physicians whenever possible. The results identified
three key benefits offered by e-consultation, a specific
aspect of telemedicine, which were 1) stronger
encounter between the patients and their professional
health care providers because patients are more willing
to pour their hearts out with the distance created
by the e-consultation, 2) improved insight into the
patients’ daily lives for palliative care specialists, and
3) an intimate, trustful relationship from a long-term
TM, as e-consultation, within Hong Kong’s public
health services has been limited only to elderly home
residents in certain districts12,13, where consultations via
videoconferencing were used to replace conventional
geriatric outreach or clinic-based services. A 200-bed
geriatric nursing home has shown to be cost effective
in reducing overall healthcare costs, improved access,
reduced number of emergency department visits and
reducing hospital bed-days.12 Moreover, these services
were well accepted by both healthcare professionals and
The potential for the use of TM in primary care
in Hong Kong, in particular e-consultation, has not
yet been investigated. In this study, e-consultation
is defined as patient consulting doctors through the
use of telecommunication technology such as videoconferencing.
For the aging population, who are
suffering from multiple chronic diseases requiring
regular public general outpatient services, and with
increasing difficulty in going to the clinics due to their
impaired mobility, illness, weather conditions or other
logistical issues, e-consultation may be a means to
supplement the care available in the current system.
This study aims to explore primary care patients’
perspectives towards e-consultation, with a view to
providing initial data to help inform the development of
such an initiative.
Study design and subject recruitment
This was a qualitative study based on individual,
face-to-face structured interviews with primary care
patients. The interviews were conducted in January
2016. Patients were recruited from a local public
primary care clinic with 250 patient-encounters per
day. To assure a diverse range of views, patients
were recruited through purposive stratified sampling
of young, middle aged and elderly adults, (18-39,
40-65 and > 65 years old), representing participants in
different stages of life, with a target of 10 subjects in
each age group. Subjects had to be fluent in speaking
Cantonese, Mandarin or English. One researcher (WHF)
invited these selected patients to give informed consent
to take part in the study. Recruitment of patients
continued until the sampling quota was met and there
was saturation of themes.
Interview procedures
The questions for the structured interview
(Appendix A) were designed to explore participants’
views and experience towards e-consultation and
were developed by family medicine specialists within
the department based on the literature and points of
relevance for the local setting. These guiding questions
were first field tested in potential participants to ensure
that items could be understood and interpreted correctly.
The interviews were conducted by one researcher (WHF)
with experience in qualitative analysis, and who was
not involved in the clinical care of the patients. Each
interview lasted 15-20 minutes, and all interviews
were conducted privately in a consultation room of the
clinic. The interviews were audio recorded with an MP3
recorder and transcribed verbatim.
Data coding, and analysis of qualitative data
Data were managed using NVivo 10 software (QSR
International, Melbourne, Australia). We conducted
a thematic analysis, aiming to identify a set of main
themes that captured participants’ views. The approach
to thematic analysis followed the framework outlined
by Braun and Clarke.14 After the first few interviews,
the authors began the analysis by independently
documenting and then discussing the most salient
observations from the interviews, which formed the
basis of the initial coding framework. Two authors (KK
and WHF) independently reviewed all transcripts and
developed codes during the process. Using constant
comparison15, similarity and differences in our data were
highlighted, allowing for the establishment of analytical
categories and key overarching concepts.
Ethics approval
The Institutional Review Board of the University of
Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster
approved the study protocol (IRB reference number
UW 15-510). The study was conducted in compliance
with the declaration of Helsinki. All subjects provided
written consent upon participation.
The recruitment process lasted for a month.
Thirty patients were recruited to participate, of whom
12 were female and 18 were male. Their background
characteristics are recorded in Table 1. The average
interview time was 19 minutes (range 8 – 48). All
interviews were done in Cantonese. There were 10
participants in each of the three proposed age groups.
The average age of the participants in each age group
was 26, 57 and 74 years old respectively. Saturation of
themes was reached at this stage. Whereas the modal
age is 24 in the youngest age group, 62 and 63 in the
middle age group, and 67 and 69 in the elderly group.
Their education level varies from no education to master
degree holder. The youngest age group has the highest
level of education, and the elderly group has little or
no education, this is consistent with the demographic
profile of the general population.
Not many study participants were familiar with the
idea of e-consultation and even fewer had experience
in using it. Despite this, a large proportion of them
still showed acceptance towards it and were able to
give their views once the concept was explained. The
three main themes identified from the content analysis,
namely, 1) advantages, 2) concerns and 3) suggestions
for e-consultations, are described as follows:
1) Advantages of using e-consultation
(a) Convenience
The most notable advantage of e-consultation
expressed by participants is convenience, with
participants believing that there will be shorter waiting
times for consultation. Receiving a diagnosis at home
would save more time, as one participant mentioned:
“It [e-consultation] is more convenient and I don’t
have to waste my time coming in for check-ups …
if you don’t have any serious problems, the doctor
usually speaks to you briefly then you can go.”
[Civil Servant, male, age 40 – 65]
“I think seeing [a doctor] on the internet is fine,
given that my disease is not severe. I think this is
very convenient” [Civil servant, retired, female,
age 40 – 65]
One participant felt e-consultation could break
down the geographic barriers that potentially reduce
access to health care:
“Sometimes a particular specialist is in another
city, then he can save people’s life by consulting
the patient or tutor other doctors on the internet.”
[Administration, retired, female, age above 65]
E-consultation is considered by some participants
to be convenient especially for certain subgroups of
“I think it [e-consultation] is more convenient.
Especially to elders who have difficulties in
walking, travelling to the clinics for a regular
check-up is very time-consuming.” [Finance, male,
age 18-39]
(b) Better communication
Some participants felt it would be easier to speak
to a doctor via a computer. They believed they could
have a longer consultation, allowing them to ask
questions which they would not have time to ask in a
traditional consultation:
“I think e-consultation will not be limited by the
time, so it will be a family doctor that is closer to
you.” [Construction, male, age 18-39],
One participant pointed out that e-consultation
would be helpful for discussing sensitive problems with
the doctor:
“When I need a gynaecologist, due to the one I
have near home is a male doctor, I would rather do
it online.” [Civil Servant, female, age 18-39]
(c) Healthcare system efficiency
Some described how e-consultation could benefit
the healthcare system. They believed the service could
reduce the number of patients in the hospital by treating
them online:
“I think it [e-consultation] is good, good for the
patients and doctors. And the hospitals won’t be
crowded. If everyone goes to a hospital for all
sorts of problems, then they are misusing the
system. They are affecting those who are actually
in need...” [Manufacturing, retired, male, age
above 65]
Most patients agreed with using e-consultation as a
tool for triaging as one participant described:
“I think it [e-consultation] is useful, by separating
patients by severity. Most patients in the outpatient
clinic are just simple cold, and some are chronic
disease patient that only require long-term monitoring.”
[Construction, retired, male, age 40-65]
“It [e-consultation] is good. The hospital won’t be
as crowded as it is now. Those who need medical
attention can benefit from this.” [Civil Servant,
female, age 18-39]
2) Concerns about e-consultation that prevents
patients from choosing e-consultation
(a) Technical and logistical issue
Those who questioned the reliability and feasibility
of e-consultation raised a few concerns or issues that
would prevent them from using the service when
e-consultation was mentioned to them. Some did not
know how to access the internet or did not have a
computer as two participants stated:
“[After learning what e-consultation is] I don't
know how to use the internet.” [Housewife, female,
age above 65]
“[After learning what e-consultation is and what it
requires] I can't read and don't have a computer.”
[Domestic helper, retired, female, age above 65]
(b) Lack of personal interaction
Some participants preferred the traditional way of
consultation with the direct face-to-face contact with
the doctor when they were asked how comfortable they
were with e-consultation:
“I have heard of it before but it doesn’t sound
real to me. It could be a trend in the future but
I don’t think it is better......I don’t feel this can
work and doesn’t feel real to me. I prefer going
to a doctor in a clinic, let the doctor see myself
through his own eyes.” [Manufacturing, Female,
age 40-65]
Most who doubted the usefulness of e-consultation
were concerned with doctors’ inability to provide handson
physical examination during the consultation, which
the participants saw as a disadvantage:
“E-consultation can only see the outer you. They
cannot see the inner problem, for example, you told him [the doctor] this part of your body is hard and you felt pain, he still wouldn’t know
what it is, unlike face-to-face seeing him then he
can touch you and find out what it is. Without
actually touching you he cannot provide you with a
definite answer on what disease you might have.”
[Immigration agency, male, age above 65]
Participants doubted their reliability in the selfreporting
of their symptoms, believing that Chinese in
general are less competent than other populations in
verbalising their problems properly, described by one
“I think it [limitation in e-consultation] is to do
with our culture, the whole Asian population isn't
that verbalised. Sometimes a doctor needs to dig
information out from the patient, yet they may
not be able to express accurately. Therefore, I
don’t think this can solve the patient’s personal
problem [without seeing the patient] because
not all symptoms are apparent.” [Research,
female, age 18-39]
Poor communication is likely a cause of mismatch
in the communication, leading to incorrect diagnosis.
A participant pointed out that symptoms shared by
multiple diseases also added difficulties in making an
accurate diagnosis:
“I think it [e-consultation] can be difficult to
distinguish some disease that has the same
symptoms.” [Information technology, male,
age 18-39]
(c) Concern with cyber security and safety
When asked about how comfortable they would
be with advice from e-consultation, some participants
described the service as unrealistic, unsafe and
unreliable. Collectively, they showed a lack of trust in
the diagnosis delivered by the service:
“[When e-consultation is mentioned] the internet
is very unrealistic. The things they said on the
internet are very unreliable. I prefer they give
me the address of the doctor so I can go there
directly.” [Police, retired, male, age above 65]
A few participants had concerns with the internet
security, which could have an impact on privacy:
“If you forgot to take safety measures then you will
expose your privacy to risk.” [Police, retired, male,
age above 65]
These participants raised a question on how
to ensure the doctor making the diagnosis could
be authenticated, with this quote extracted from a
“ One concern is that it [the person on e-consultation] might be fake. I think this is the grey area of this service.” [Manufacturing, female,
age 40-65]
One participant believed this would be a flaw that
could be exploited by criminals, damaging their trust
towards the service:
“I think e-consultation opens up an opportunity
for criminal activities if safety measures [online
security] are not taken.” [Police, retired, male, age
above 65]
(d) Issues with prescriptions
Concerns about getting a prescription after
e-consultation were asked by our participants:
“I think the only problem is you cannot get the
medication immediately…” [Civil servant, female,
age 18-39]
Collaboration with community pharmacies is a
possible means of facilitating timely prescriptions;
however, some participants were distrustful of the local
pharmacy, describing them as unprofessional:
“The problem [for receiving online prescription]
is where we buy the drugs. Most of the pharmacy
store outside sell fake products.” [Construction,
retired, male, age 40-65]
Even with the public government dispensary,
participants were worried by the possibility of mistakes
in dispensing:
“I am concerned with the risk of receiving
the wrong medication.” [Public service, male,
age 18-39]
3) Suggestions to improve acceptability of e-consultation
(a) More user support
Although some participants were against e-consultation because of difficulty with internet access, they would consider using the service with the help
from family members and friends, as this participant
“It [e-consultation] is only feasible if I can receive
help from the younger ones, helping me to use
the internet…” [Fishermen, retired, female, age
above 65]
They even expressed the willingness to learn using
the service if it was simple enough:
“[Discussing the use of e-consultation] People
like me who live by myself won’t get any help.
I have to rely on myself, but I would still use it
[e-consultation] as long as it is not too difficult
to learn.” [Manufacturing, retired, male, age
above 65]
(b) Selective use
While the inability to provide hands-on physical
examination was of concern, participants pointed out
that this would not be an issue if their condition was
mild or if the consultation only involved a simple
follow up.
“I think you can make your own judgement on
choosing which service depending on the severity
of your illnesses. For patients with chronic
illnesses who have to visit the clinics regularly,
e-consultation may be more suitable for them.”
[Finance, male, age 18-39]
At the other extreme, some participants felt that
if their health condition was so poor that they had
difficulties leaving their homes, e-consultation would
provide ready access to healthcare:
“Well maybe if I am so ill and find it difficult to
walk out of my bed, then I can give it [e-consultation] a
try...” [Information technology, male, age 18-39]
Furthermore, adequate doctor-patient
communication and the availability of comprehensive
patient medical records are seen as ways to reduce
this lack of physical touch and enhancing diagnostic
“ Although the doctor can only ask without
touching, but this is not a problem if you can
deliver the message clearly.” [Administration,
retired, female, age above 65]
“On the internet you have to tell the doctor your
symptoms… with a detailed medical record would
give me greater confidence.” [Police, retired, male,
age 40-65]
(c) Government regulations
Governmental regulations in the establishment
and running of e-consultation services would enhance
participants’ trust in the service.
“As long as the government is at the back of
the service [e-consultation], I would then have
confidence in it.” [Domestic helper, retired, female,
age 40-65]
These include the clamping down on any illegal
activities, ensuring doctor credibility, and monitoring
private pharmacy services:
“If the website is under the Hospital Authority
or other official bodies which has some security
measures, then the reliability will be higher.”
[Housewife, female, age 40-65]
“There are so many frauds in these private
pharmacies, therefore the government needs to
have more regulations on them.” [Civil servant,
male, age 18-39]
(d) Practical issues
Although effectiveness and quality were regarded
as essential features for the use of e-consultation by
participants, this would require time to establish:
“It depends on if it [e-consultation] works or
proved as worked, but I would not be a Guinea
pig.” [Information technology, male, age 18-39]
“Depending on the treatment effectiveness,
I will gain or lose confidence in the service.”
[Construction, retired, male, age 40-65]
Cost was a concern as mentioned by this
“As long as it is cheaper than the private clinics…
and I think the price should be standardised if
you are doing e-consultation. Do not imply extra
charge.” [Civil servant, female, age 18-39]
Some participants demanded high internet stability
for the service, as they felt it would be useless if the
technology itself was unreliable:
“ If the computer system is slow then it
[e-consultation] isn’t helpful. It will take longer
if the computer system constantly breaks down
and need to spend hours to recover.” [Laboratory,
male, age 40-65]
Being able to obtain a sick leave was also a factor
that patients thought was important when considering
“Someone needed a sick leave would prefer the
traditional way of consultation because he needed
the doctor's signed an approval letter. What if the
doctor does not give him the letter after saying his
condition is mild [with e-consultation]. This needs
to be considered.” [Civil servant, male, age 18-39]
To our knowledge, this is the first study in our
locality looking into e-consultation in primary care,
focusing on collecting patients’ perspective on the
advantages and potential barriers for developing this
service in Hong Kong. Experience with e-consultation
was minimal among our sample of public primary
care patients, a finding that is consistent with the
lack of provision of related services in Hong Kong.
Nevertheless, our structured interviews have provided
us with insight towards the needs of potential service
The advantages identified by our interviewees
are compatible with existing literature, particularly in
relation to increased accessibility to specialist advice,
less traveling required, and reduced waiting time.16
Patients felt communication with doctors would be
easier through e-consultation also reinforce the previous
findings by the research team in Netherland, but our
patients did not feel the intimacy with doctors will
change11, which could be explained by the cultural
differences between the two groups of patients.
From our results, it seems that the implementation
of e-consultation requires authorities to address
issues concerning data security, safety, doctor-patient
communication and remote physical examination. Our
participants’ concerns towards data security and safety
were mostly related to credibility and data privacy.
As a matter of fact, security encompasses a multitude
of problems including authorisation, authentication,
accounting17 as well as data privacy and physical
E-consultation has been considered to differ from
the classical medical consultation in reducing personal
contact and running the risk of alienating the patient21
with resulting increase in dissatisfaction. Since the
increase in utilisation, systematic reviews have shown
that patients reported high levels of satisfaction
towards e-consultation.16 Physical examination during
e-consultation is feasible with current technology, with
literature suggesting that there is minimal difference
between examinations performed during face-toface
consultations and e-consultations. Comparison of
conventional consultation and telemedicine consultation
for managing heart failure indicate findings are identical
or similar20, although reliability decreases under the
hands of clinicians inexperienced with e-consultation.21
Current literature suggests that e-consultation is
clinically effective and results in a better control of
blood glucose in diabetics when compared with face-toface
or telephone delivery of care.20 This evidence helps
to dispel our participants’ concerns about impaired
doctor-patient communication and effectiveness of
e-consultation. Nevertheless, cultural and individual
differences will exist and authorities and clinicians
practicing e-consultation in the future must take these
concerns into consideration during the implementation
of these services.
Our participants identified the importance of
adequate computer and online access in conjunction with
appropriate skills training in improving e-consultation’s
acceptability. This is of particular concern among the
elderly since many of them in our locality do not have
computers at home.22 Despite their lack of computer
knowledge, elderly patients are known to be receptive
to new technology particularly in terms of electronic
health.23 Given our elderly patients’ willingness to take
on new knowledge, ensuring hardware accessibility and
user-friendly software or applications are essential.
The strengths of this study include the fact that
it is the first study of this kind on e-consultation in
Hong Kong, where telemedicine is still in its infancy.
There are limitations in our study. Although we have
attempted to increase generalisability through purposeful
sampling, our patient recruitment was limited to only
one primary care clinic. While further studies should
include participants from other regions of Hong Kong,
the views obtained from our participants should have
already given healthcare providers with important insights into the future development of e-consultation.
Apart from patients, the opinions from healthcare
professionals should be obtained in future studies.
With the development of electronic health record
and telehealth service in geriatric outreach in Hong
Kong, further expanding e-consultation service to
primary care may enhance patient care and boost the
efficiency of the health care system.
Despite having minimal experience with
e-consultation, our primary care population appears
to accept its use to improve accessibility if their
concerns towards safety, security and communication
are addressed. Further steps to explore the feasibility of
e-consultation in primary care are warranted given the
untapped potential benefit which technology can bring
to health care.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, the University of Hong Kong
Hoi-fung Wong, MPH, BSc (Hons)
Research Assistant
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, the University of Hong Kong
Julie Chen, FCFPC, C.C.F.P., M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care, the University of Hong Kong
Correspondence to: Dr Julie Chen, 3/F., 161 Main Street, Ap Lei Chau Clinic, Ap Lei Chau, Hong Kong SAR, China.
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