Hong Kong lead burden: control in the recent decades
Edwin CL Yu 余秋良,CB Chow 周鎮邦
HK Pract 2016;38:93-100
Silent lead exposure has many long-term
consequences. Changes in tightness of control and
the recent lead-related incidents in Hong Kong are
described. Based on world standards, health actions
by our medical profession are proposed. According
to current standards, blood lead level (BLL) > 5 μg/
dL justifies providing information to families on lead
hazards and on the usual sources of uptake, as well as
close biological surveillance along with hygiene and
dietary advice aiming at reducing contact. Sources
of exposure should be investigated and avoided,
particularly for children and pregnant women. In
children, developmental surveillance should be
performed during medical visits. A diet with less fat,
good calories, replete in calcium, zinc, iron, more
dietary fiber and vitamin C helps. Garlic may alleviate
lead toxicity. Chelation therapy should be considered
when BLL > 45 μg/dL.
Lead (Pb) is a well known neurotoxic agent with
lasting adverse health effects. In the recent decades,
authorities have moved from investigational standpoints
to proactive assertiveness for control. Primary and
secondary prevention of associated neurodevelopmental
and behavioural disorders need cooperation between
parents, clinicians, and educators in Pb poisoning
prevention programmes, an idea that was exemplified by
the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning
Prevention in 2008.1
The neurological effects of Pb poisoning range
from behavioural issues (e.g. emotional lability,
attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, or anxiety),
pervasive developmental delay particularly in language,
to encephalopathy. In utero, Pb exposure adversely
affects infant neurodevelopment, besides possible low
infant birth weight, miscarriages or premature birth.
Neurobehavioural effects of Pb poisoning can persist
into adolescence despite a decline in BLL. Neurological
effects include hearing loss, peripheral neuropathy, and
decreased nerve conduction velocity. Pb encephalopathy
in patients may also be associated with partial heart
block and deterioration in renal function.
Effects of lower asymptomatic blood lead levels
Awareness into the long-term consequences of Pb
exposure has grown since 1970. Young children with
high BLL have impaired intellectual functioning and
behavioural problems that lasts a lifetime. Pb exposure
is associated with antisocial behaviour like murder,
crime, and aggressive behaviour. In 1991, the United
States Public Health Service Strategic Plan called for a
society-wide effort to eliminate childhood Pb poisoning
within 20 years. At that time, the allowed BLL was up
to 10 μg/dL.
Subsequent studies demonstrated that even lowlevel
Pb exposure significantly impairs learning and
educational attainment.2-8 Newer studies showed that
BLLs between 2-10 μg/dL result in cognitive deficits in
children and adolescents, with an inverse relationship
between BLL and performance on arithmetic and
reading2, intellectual impairment in children3, and
specific attention effects in young children.4,5 Finally in
2012, CDC used their population’s 97.5th percentile’s
BLL of 5 μg/dL as the reference upper limit in young
Pb persists for long periods in our body, with
a half-life of 25 days in blood, 40 days in soft
tissues, and 20 years in bones. Thus a mother with
Pb accumulation could release it to the foetus during
pregnancy. Pregnancy increases mobilisation of Pb
from maternal skeleton.10 In utero exposure to Pb
adversely affects infant neurodevelopment independent
of postnatal BLL.
Adults may be affected in other ways. Pb exposure
is associated with telomere length shortening11,
an indicator of aging. In the elderly, the risk of
dementia increases with Pb burden.12 Pb has effects
on renal function, and is epidemiologically related to
hypertension.13 This was demonstrated for high BLL14
and also for BLL < 10 μg/dL. Bone Pb level was better
correlated with hypertension15 suggesting that the
hypertensive effect of Pb may depend on the cumulative
lifetime Pb dose.
Various actions on lead control
Pb may be absorbed through the gut and skin, and
also be inhaled. Absorption is much more efficient in
children (~50%) than adults (~10%). Among children,
55% of Pb comes from dust and soil, 20% from food,
15% from air, and 10% from water and other sources.
Adults should consider food, beverages, and herbs as
Young age in children, poor nutrition and lower
socioeconomic status are clearly associated with chronic
Pb poisoning.16,17,18 In addition, chronic exposure runs
the greatest risk for neurological consequences. An
analysis of trends in BLL over the past 20 years shows
that, although the overall geometric mean BLL in
children has dropped dramatically, certain populations
are still at increased risks.
A survey in 1998 on 457 Chinese new immigrant
children showed that 18.1% had BLL > 10 μg/dL and
2.6% > 15 μg/dL within 7 days of arrival to Hong
Kong. 93% with initial high BLL experienced reduction
in levels after staying 2-3 months in Hong Kong19,
demonstrating the significant Pb burden in China.
Researchers from Greenpeace and International POPs
Elimination Network (IPEN) bought 500 toys and
children’s products from five Chinese cities including
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong and, after testing
them with hand-held X-ray scanners, found that 32.6%
were tainted with heavy metals.20 Advocates proposed
that regulatory policies need to be put in place in
China in order to reduce Pb emissions from numerous
Pb-related industries, to develop new and renewable
energy sources away from coal consumption and
thermo-power-generation processes, and to improve
quality control systems for BLL screening and testing.21
The Hong Kong scene
Unleaded petrol was introduced to Hong Kong
in April 1991. In 1998, sales of unleaded petrol
comprised over 90% of the market. Gazetted through
the Environmental Protection Department, the sale and
supply of Pb-gasoline was banned since 1 April 1999.
Also, a guidance note was given on the best practical
means for Pb control: a green procurement page with
a list of 103 government procurement products that
follows Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
and Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)
was made available for the business sector to follow.
Amendments to the Toys and Children’s Products
Safety Ordinance in 2013 adopted the most up-to-date
standards for various products including children’s
paint. The Government health, food and environment,
and civil engineering departments were all vigilant
about possible high Pb consumer products. Regular
education pamphlets on dietary and environmental
education to avoid Pb exposure have been made.
However, the regulation is a retrospective one and recall
action will only be taken upon complaints or products
found to be unsafe.
The high mean Pb levels in outdoor roadside dust
and coastal waters noted in 1990 and 1998 studies
were much lowered from those 10 years ago.22,23
General decrease in roadside dust Pb over the 1990’s
had been related to the reduction in petrol Pb level.24
Indoor Pb levels studied in 1997 in nursery schools
and kindergartens territory-wide25 showed floor-dust
Pb worst in North Point and Kwun Tong. Floor-dust
in schools close to freeways, to gas stations and to
factories had higher Pb. Use of vacuum cleaner was
effective in reducing Pb. Generally, drinking water in
Hong Kong has been thought very safe for Pb.19
Yet there are no legislation and regulation on Pb
in paints. Customs department (C&ED) only advised
manufacturers to put on the warning level if paints
confirmed Pb levels exceeded. The Choice Magazine
in 2002 and 2014 found that Pb concentrations in some
paints to be around 21-28 ppm, while some were as
high as 36-38 ppm. Investigation by Greenpeace East
Asia and IPEN in 2011 on 25 kitchen products (mainly
ceramic mugs and painted glasses) sold in Hong Kong
showed that 52% contained Pb at levels greater than
the 90 ppm recommended standard. Ten of these Pbcontaining
products has levels of >10,000 ppm, more
than 100 times the 90 ppm standard. Two glasses
contained more than 40,000 ppm Pb.
The prevalence of high BLL was investigated in
a school study by the University of Hong Kong in
1984. The mean BLL among 5,608 students aged 6-17
years was 14.0 ± 5.1 μg/dL (17-45.0 μg/dL), similar
to or lower than those in large cities.26 A remarkably
high prevalence was suggested by a community-based
(Kwai Tsing) convenient sample of 101 children who
participated in the Telehealth project 2000-2001. Using
blood and occipital hair Pb (PbH) as samples, the mean
BLL was 6.52 ± 5.0 μg/dL (0.51-25.9 μg/dL) and 18.2%
had levels > 10 μg/dL.27 None had related symptoms.
6.2% had PbH above the harmful level of 11 μg/g. A
risk assessment questionnaire noted lowered economic
status and age below six as risk factors. Peeling paint
chips and second hand cigarette smoke from household
member were significantly correlated to PbH level.
In another study in 201228, BLL was found to be
dependent on gender and residential district. Students
from schools of lower academic grades had higher BLL,
while BLL was higher in the New Territories and lowest
in Hong Kong Island. Urinary albumin was positively
associated with urinary Pb. A larger study is needed to
make definite conclusions.
The intake of Pb through the intestinal route had
been scrutinised. A Baptist University study in 1996
on local and imported vegetables found Pb levels to
be below the maximum permitted level.29 In 2005, the
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department found
high Pb levels in vegetables and seafood. On the other
hand, low levels of Pb was detected in cereal and cereal
products, fruits, meat, poultry, eggs and their products.
Levels were undetectable (< 0.3 μg/kg) in “milk
and dairy products”.30 The dietary Pb exposure was
estimated to be 1.98 μg/kg bw/wk. Pb from “vegetables”
could contribute to 57.7% of the total exposure.
Nevertheless, this was accepted as well within the laxer
standards that time. Soaking and washing vegetables
thoroughly to remove dust and soil can drastically
reduce Pb concentration. Lime preserved eggs and
oysters were found to contain high Pb concentration in
this report, but it actually depends on the manufacturer.
Recent social disaster from leaded water
In Hong Kong, Pb poisoning prevention has been
thought as a success. In fact, Hong Kong in recent years
has followed the world climate and made regulations
even without much local studies for support. Water
has all along been considered safe until recently. Hong
Kong started receiving Dongjiang water from China in
1964, and water quality throughout the supply system
has always been systematically and regularly monitored
at representative sampling points to have comprehensive
and stringent monitor. In Hong Kong, Pb pipes have
been banned since the 1930s (other countries such as
United Kingdom and United States of America banned
them since 1970s-1980s). Childhood plumbism has long
been done away as galvanised iron (GI) and copper
pipes are used.
Given the precautionary measures instigated in
Hong Kong the recent Pb-tainted water issue thus
came as a surprise, and highlighted the difficulties in
identifying the root Pb source. In the United States
of America, the use of Pb-based soldering of copper
pipes was permitted until 1986, and currently older
housing homes in poverty may still have substantial
Pb in the water. Since July 2015, on-site evaluations in
our locality involved screening for Pb in estate water
samples. Subsequent investigations were redirected to
find out the various ways in which drinking water can
be contaminated after entering a building.31 Of greater
concern, however, is the risk of adverse cognitive
effects from low BLL in children.
Currently, the Joint Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nations FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) concluded in
2010 that it was not possible to establish a threshold
Pb levels for the neurological effects in children. The
Committee carried out a dose response analysis and
reported that a Pb exposure level of 0.3 μg/kgbw/day
(2.1 μg/wk) was associated with a population decrease
of 0.5 IQ points. Now, research shows that no safe
BLL has been identified. The European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) Panel on Contaminants in Food
Chain32 concluded that there is no threshold Pb levels
for developmental neurotoxicity in young children,
nephrotoxicity and cardiovascular effects in adults
(associated with BLL 0.5 μg, 0.63 μg and 1.5 μg/kg/day
respectively). To note, in the United States, the average
BLL in unexposed individuals is 3 μg/dL.
Public health actions and target lead level
With no safe Pb level limit, rigorous reduction in
environmental Pb (e.g. in soil, dust, air and industrial
products) is imperative, especially for young children
and unborn babies.
The childhood BLL reference (currently 5 μg/dL)
used by the CDC is within two standard deviation range
of the population-BLL among children aged 1-5, and
helps to identify children and environments associated
with Pb-exposure hazards. The reference value will be
updated every 4 years based on the most recent BLL
population surveys.33
The Australian National Health and Medical
Research Council recommended that: a) BLL > 5 μg/dL
suggests past or on-going Pb exposure at a level above
what is considered the average ‘background’ exposure,
b) for BLL > 5 μg/dL, the source of exposure should be
investigated and reduced, particularly if the person is
a child or pregnant woman, c) individuals should have
their BLL tested if they have swallowed or breathed Pb
from a particular source or someone in their household
has had BLL > 5 μg/dL; or they have unexplained
health problems that could be due to Pb.34
In France35 , environmental Pb exposure is
considered likely if BLL > 25 μg/L, when information
on Pb hazards and potential sources of uptake should
be given to families. In addition, close biological
surveillance along with hygiene and dietary advice
aiming at reducing contact should be instigated. These
new reference levels will have to be updated every
10 years. Alert values are also proposed for the main
sources of Pb in the environment (soils, house dust, tap
Mandatory screening or identification of high risk
groups is performed in Connecticut of the United States.
CDC and France also recommend screening for Pb
exposure using environmental risk standards developed
Medical actions
Physicians should offer health-based
recommendations on the management of Pb-exposed
individuals aimed at primary and secondary prevention
of Pb-associated health problem. While much may be
public health or educational concerns, doctors may
in time need to support school-based health services
to children and adolescents including routine and
preventive screenings and examination including
BLL and follow-up, diagnosis and treatment of acute
uncomplicated problems, and monitoring and treatment
of chronic medical conditions.
BLL has now become more readily available
in clinics. Diagnosis requires a high index of
suspicion. Evaluations for neurophysiological and
renal dysfunction should be performed. Characteristic
features include abdominal colic, anaemia with
basophilic stippling of red cells, gingival Pb lines and
dense metaphyseal lines in X-ray. Chronic Pb toxicity
often present with non-specific symptoms and may be
easily missed. In children, these include temperamental
lability, irritability, behavioural changes, hyperactivity
or decreased activity, delayed developmental milestones
and language delay. Blood samples are useful for testing
for Pb exposure.36 Technology now allows testing of
hair, teeth, or fingernails for Pb, radiographic imaging
or X-ray fluorescence of long bones, and other tests
for chronic exposure. By X-ray excitation of electrons
in the K shell of Pb atoms, the K-line radiographic
fluoroscopy permits detection of Pb molecules from the
full thickness of bone and allows accurate assessment
of the Pb-to-calcium ratio. Radiographic fluoroscopy is
safe, noninvasive, and reliable. Although occupational
and household risks (except some kitchen wares and
toys) are minimal in Hong Kong, herbal consumption
remains our main concerns. To note, Pb contamination
of herbs is mainly due to its processing with grinders
and pans during pulverisation, not so much with
raw herbs or herbal granules made from extraction.
Fisherman families are another concern.
Chronic low to moderate levels of Pb exposure
in adults can result in four main categories of
health effects, namely hypertension, decrement in
renal function, cognitive dysfunction, and adverse
reproductive outcome. Chronic Pb nephropathy as a
progressive interstitial nephropathy has no characteristic
findings. Most patients are hypertensive at diagnosis.
It is usually the result of years of repetitive or
continuous Pb exposure and thus tends to manifest
in adulthood. Clinically, hypertension is too common
to indicate Pb screening, but finding moderate-toconsiderable
contraction of kidneys without any clear
cause should raise its suspicion. Concomitant gout (not
just hyperuricemia) is particularly noteworthy. More
than 50% of patients with Pb nephropathy manifest as
saturnine gout. Even though hyperuricemia is universal
with renal insufficiency, gout is rare unless the patient
has underlying Pb nephropathy. In fact, tests for
estimating Pb burden should be considered in every
patient with the combination of chronic kidney disease
and gout.37

Table 1 outlines the measures physicians should
take in order to manage patients with raised BLL.
Termination of Pb exposure is imperative. The source of exposure (mainly soils, house dust, drinking water)
should be investigated, particularly in children and
pregnant women. BLL correlates best with recent
exposure (remote exposure not excluded). The best
measure for assessing total body Pb accumulation is the
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) Pb-mobilisation
test. For epidemiologic screening of large populations,
the K-line radiographic fluoroscopy allows accurate
Pb assessment of full thickness of bone, while the Pbcalcium
ratio has been proposed as a biomarker of longterm
cumulative Pb exposure.
Diet is important in Pb management. Pb absorption
is increased when a diet rich in fats is consumed. Also,
diets low in iron, calcium, and vitamin C increase the
likelihood of Pb absorption. Dietary fiber promotes
good peristalsis and helps decrease Pb absorption. A
recommended diet should be adequate in energy (caloric)
intake and rich in calcium, zinc, and iron. Data from
the Normative Aging Study suggest that low vitamin D
intake may increase Pb accumulation in bones, whereas
low vitamin C and iron intake may increase BLL in
middle-aged to elderly subjects.18
The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends
conducting annual developmental surveillance for
children with a BLL ≥ 5 μg/dL at any age, aiming
to identify emerging or unaddressed behavioural,
developmental and cognitive problems.1 Five classes of
Pb toxicity have been identified by the CDC:
- Class I: 10-14 μg/dL, no further treatment
required, re-screen more frequently;
- Class II: 15-19 μg/dL nutritional and education
interventions, re-screening to observe trend;
- Class III: 20-44 μg/dL, medical evaluation,
environmental relief, drug treatment optional;
- Class IV: 45-69 μg/dL, environmental and
medical intervention, chelation therapy
- Class V: > 70 μg/dL, emergency referral
Evidence suggests that chelation therapy for BLLs
< 45 μg/dL can be potentially harmful.38 All affected
individuals should have Pb prevention education, also
identifying and eliminating other possible Pb sources.
While chelation therapy is not without potential risks,
garlic has been tested experimentally39 and shown
to significantly reducing BLL, has less side effects
and results in clinical improvement.40 Though larger
studies are required to make a general conclusion,
garlic is worth using for less toxic cases. Other
lifestyle measures can also be considered, including the
washing of hands, toys and vegetables, cleaning dusty
surfaces, running cold water for one to two minutes
before using, preventing children from playing on soil,
eating a healthy diet, and being careful where one eats
Secondary prevention programmes can be offered
to those affected.1 Development can be usefully
promoted by provision of a nurturing and stimulating
family environment.
BLL below 5 μg/dL is taken as the action
level, though even low-level Pb toxicity has health
effects in adults and in children especially. Control
recommendations by advocacy groups have become
proactive. Local studies are needed to substantiate
proactive claims. The recent Pb-tainted water issue
demonstrated how one might overlook hidden Pb
sources. In patients with Pb toxicity, doctors could offer
help with environmental and medical preventive actions,
health-based recommendations aimed at primary and
secondary prevention of Pb-associated health problems.
Thanks to Dr Addi Chan for offering material

Croucher Fellow, Honorary Professor
School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University
Honorary Clinical Professor
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Correspondence to: Dr Edwin CL Yu, Rm 1901-03, Chung Kiu Commercial Building,
47-51 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR,
E-mail: yuedwin@yahoo.com
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