Automated office waiting-area blood pressure
as a practical method to eliminate white coat
effect in conventional office blood pressure
measurement in Chinese older people in a clinic
setting in Hong Kong
Shu-piu Leung 梁樹標
HK Pract 2024;46:53-59
Objective: To investigate whether automated office
blood pressure measurement in the waiting area (wa-
AOBP) can effectively eliminate the white coat effect
(WCE) in blood pressure (BP) measurement and to
evaluate the comparability of wa-AOBP and home
blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) measurements.
Design: A cross-sectional study.
Subjects: 133 Chinese people aged 65 years or above
attending a private general practice clinic.
Main outcome measures: Conventional office blood
pressure (COBP), wa-AOBP and HBPM
Results: The systolic BP (SBP) for COBP, wa-AOBP and
HBPM were 133.5 ± 13.2, 127.8 ± 11.0 and 126.2 ± 7.6
mmHg respectively. The diastolic BP (DBP) for COBP,
wa-AOBP and HBPM were 73.3 ± 9.9, 70.9 ± 8.2 and
73.3 ± 7.3 mmHg respectively. The differences in SBP
and DBP between COBP and wa-AOBP were 5.7 ± 7.8
mmHg, (p < 0.001) and 2.4 ± 5.2 mmHg (p < 0.001)
respectively. The differences in SBP and DBP between
HBPM and wa-AOBP were -1.4 ± 11.0 mmHg (p = 0.149)
and 2.4 ± 7.3 mmHg (p < 0.001) respectively.
Conclusions: Our study suggests that wa-AOBP
is effective in the elimination of the WCE of COBP
measurement for older people in a clinic setting, the
effect of which is comparable with HBPM.
Keywords: blood pressure measurement, automated
office blood pressure, white coat effect, older people
目的:探討診所等候區的自動化血壓測量(wa-AOBP) 是
否能夠有效消除白袍效應,以及評估wa-AOBP 與自我血
壓監測(HBPM) 的可比性。
對象:133 名65 歲或以上,在私家普通科診所就醫的華
主要量度目標:傳統診所血壓測量 (COBP)、wa-AOBP 及
結果:COBP、wa-AOBP 及HBPM 的收縮壓分別為133.5
± 13.2、127.8 ± 11.0及126.2 ± 7.6 mmHg,而舒張壓則分別
為73.3 ± 9.9、70.9 ± 8.2 及73.3 ± 7.3 mmHg。COBP 與wa-
AOBP 之間的收縮壓及舒張壓差異分別為5.7 ± 7.8 mmHg
(p < 0.001) 及2.4 ± 5.2 mmHg (p < 0.001)。HBPM 與wa-
AOBP 之間的收縮壓及舒張壓差異則分別為 -1.4 ± 11.0
mmHg (p=0.149) 及2.4 ± 7.3 mmHg (p < 0.001)。
結論: 研究顯示wa-AOBP 能夠有效消除老年人在診所
環境中進行COBP 測量所產生的白袍效應, 其效果與
HBPM 相若。
The prevalence of hypertension (HT) in Hong
Kong is 64.8% for people older than 65 years.1 The
prevalence increases to 90% after 85 years of age.2
Optimal blood pressure (BP) control effectively
reduces the risk of adverse cardiovascular (CV) events.
The 2015 Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial
(SPRINT) concluded that among patients at high risk
for CV events, a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of
< 120 mmHg as measured by unattended office BP
measurement, when compared to a SBP of < 140, was
associated with a significantly lower rate of CV events.3
The 2017 American College of Cardiology / American
Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guideline on the
management of HT lowered the treatment target from
140/90 mmHg to 130/80 mmHg.4
Currently there is no consensus on the target
BP for the treatment of HT in older people, but it is
increasingly recognised that special considerations for
target BP should be given to the management of older
people with HT.5,6 The target BP should be relaxed
according to the functional reserve and frailty levels.
Chronological age should not be the only criterion for
adapting therapeutic strategies because of the large
heterogeneity in the ageing process among older people.
The recommendations from most international
guidelines make reference to BP measurements obtained
by methods effective in eliminating the white coat
effect (WCE). The condition refers to elevated BP
measurements at clinics but normal by ambulatory
blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and/or home blood
pressure monitoring (HBPM).
WCE has been reported to over-estimate BP
measurements by a mean of 9/7 mmHg.7 WCE is more
common in older people and hence elimination of the
WCE is especially important in this group.7,8 Overtreatment
of HT based on over-estimated BP readings
might result in increased risks of side-effects including
malaise, dizziness, syncope and injurious falls.9
Conventional office blood pressure (COBP) has
been the most widely used method of BP measurement
in clinic settings. It is the BP measurement performed
by a medical / healthcare professional, and provides
BP readings within minutes for necessary medical
action. However, even when a rest period of 5 minutes
is allowed, COBP is still prone to inaccuracy due to
the WCE.10 It is therefore important to identify more
reliable methods of office BP measurement.
Automated office blood pressure (AOBP) has been
extensively studied as an alternative method of office
BP measurement. It refers to repeated BP measurements
unattended by medical professionals with the use of
fully automated BP machines. AOBP has been shown to
correlate more closely with daytime ABPM compared
to COBP.11,12 The improved accuracy and precision of
AOBP is attributed to its effective elimination of the
WCE. Conventionally, AOBP measurement also requires
the subject to be seated alone in a quiet consultation
room. This arrangement, albeit an ideal setting to
eliminate environmental effects on BP measurement, is
not feasible in most clinic settings in Hong Kong due to
insufficient consultation rooms, government and private
clinics alike. Furthermore, it would be inappropriate
to leave elderly patients in a clinic unattended for any
length of time, as they are more prone to accidents and
unexpected change of medical conditions.
HBPM has been used as an alternative BP
measurement method and has been shown to correlate
closely with ABPM and effectively ameliorate the
WCE.13 HBPM is, however, associated with reporter
bias, and might not be feasible in older people with
cognitive, neuromuscular or visual impairment.
The current study considers a modification of
the conventional AOBP by performing AOBP in the
clinic waiting-area (wa-AOBP). The patient is seated
in a corner of the clinic waiting area instead of in a
single room for BP measurement, all conditions of
the conventional AOBP measurement being otherwise
The primary objective is to investigate whether
wa-AOBP can effectively eliminate the WCE in blood
pressure measurement.
The secondary objective is to evaluate whether wa-AOBP and HBPM measurements are comparable.
Study Design
A cross-sectional cohort of Chinese older people
attending a private out-patient clinic for the management
of primary HT was recruited. All patients were referred
from the government outpatient clinic (GOPC) under
the GOPC public private partnership scheme. These
patients had been followed up in the GOPC for at least
one year and their BPs were considered stable before
referral. Their co-morbid medical conditions were also
considered to be under control.
All Chinese subjects 65 years of age or older with
primary HT and taking at least one anti-HT drug were
included into the study. Subjects were excluded if they
suffered from an intercurrent medical illness; if they
required adjustment of anti-HT drug(s); if they were
unable to perform BP measurement unattended; if they
were not performing HBPM or if they were residing in
old age homes at the time of recruitment.
BP Measurement
Upon arrival at the clinic, the subject was arranged
to sit at a corner of the waiting area. Procedures on
COBP and wa-AOBP were explained by the research
team and verbal consent obtained. The Omron HEM-907 automated BP machine was used. The machine
had been validated for accuracy independent of the
manufacturer in accordance with standard criteria.14
After a rest time of 5 minutes, COBP was measured and
recorded by the clinic nurse. The subject was instructed
not to move, talk or use the mobile phone during the BP
measurement. The automatic mode of the BP machine
was then activated, after which the nurse left and the
subject was alone. Three wa-AOBP measurements were
taken at one minute intervals starting 3 minutes after
activation of the BP machine. The BP readings were
hidden from the machine display during the whole
procedure. The machine generated the average wa-AOBP reading which was then recorded.
Consultation and Instructions for HBPM
Medical consultation was conducted after the wa-AOBP measurements had been completed. Verbal
consent was sought from the subjects to perform
daytime HBPM. They were instructed to perform daily
HBPM on the following 7 consecutive days in the same
manner as they would normally do, and to record the
readings on a chart provided to the subject. The subject
was requested to return the chart to the clinic after
completion. The subject would be reminded to complete
the chart if he/ she failed to return the chart two weeks
after the medical consultation. The mean of the seven
daily BP measurements performed by the subject at
home was used for data analysis.
Statistical Analysis
SPSS statistical software (version 20) was used
for data analysis. Descriptive statistics were used
to summarise the data and continuous variables
were reported as mean ± standard deviation (SD).
Differences between BP readings by different BP
measurement methods were computed and compared
by paired sample t-test. Subgroup analysis on the
difference between wa-AOBP and COBP readings was
performed by independent 2-sample t-test. A difference
of 5 mmHg or more between different BP measurement
methods would be considered clinically significant.
The total number of patients attending the clinic
for follow-up of HT during the study period from
October 1 to December 31, 2019 was 299, among
which 193 met the inclusion criteria (age > 65 years).
42 subjects were excluded for the following reasons:
non-Chinese (2), presence of intercurrent illness (17),
required adjustment of anti-HT drugs (4), no home
BP machine (10), using wrist home BP machine (1),
living in old age homes (1), moderate dementia /
too frail (5) and planning on a trip (2). Among the
151 subjects recruited into the study, 133 completed
the HBPM recording as arranged. The 18 subjects
who failed to return the HBPM record initially either
could not be contacted or refused to complete the
record. The data on the remaining 133 subjects were
analysed. The demographics of the subjects are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Demographics of the Study Subjects
The SBP for COBP, wa-AOBP and HBPM were
133.5 ± 13.2, 127.8 ± 11.0 and 126.2 ± 7.6 mmHg
respectively. The diastolic BP (DBP) for COBP, wa-
AOBP and HBPM were 73.3 ± 9.9, 70.9 ± 8.2 and 73.3
± 7.3 mmHg respectively. The differences in SBP and
DBP between COBP vs. wa-AOBP, HBPM vs. wa-
AOBP and COBP vs. HBPM are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparison of differences in BP readings
between COBP, wa-AOBP and HBPM
There was a statistically significant difference in
SBP of -5.7 mmHg between COBP and wa-AOBP. The
difference in SBP of -7.3 mmHg between COBP and
HBPM was also significant. There was no statistical
difference in SBP between HBPM and wa-AOBP.
Although there were statistical differences in DBP
between COBP vs. wa-AOBP and HBPM vs. wa-AOBP,
they did not reach the pre-set clinically significant
difference of 5 mmHg.
Subgroup analysis on differences between wa-AOBP
and COBP readings stratified according to age and SBP
measurement by COBP was performed. There was no
significant difference in SBP and DBP between the < 75
and ≥ 75 year age subgroups. Significant differences were
noted in SBP and DBP between the SBP < 135 mmHg
and ≥ 135 mmHg subgroups. The differences in SBP for
the subjects in the lower and higher BP subgroups were
-2.8 ± 7.8 mmHg and -9.3 ± 6.2 mmHg respectively
(p < 0.001) and the differences in DBP for the lower
and higher BP subgroups were -1.6 ± 5.4 mmHg and
-3.4 ± 4.9 mmHg respectively (p = 0.05) Table 3.
Table 3: Comparison of differences between wa-AOBP and COBP for different BP subgroups
Our study set out to identify a practically
feasible method of office BP measurement. This is
especially important for older people who might
encounter difficulties in performing out-of-office BP
measurements. COBP has long been known to correlate
poorly with daytime ABPM because of the unavoidable
WCE.10 Indeed, it has been suggested that COBP should
be abandoned altogether.16 More recent data suggested
that AOBP could eliminate most of the WCE, and
hence should be adopted as the office BP measurement
method.17 The 2018 ESH/ESC guideline and the 2017
Canadian hypertension guideline both recommend
AOBP as the preferred method of BP measurement.18,19
The 2017 ACC/AHA guideline suggests that AOBP
should be more widely used.4 The 2019 NICE guideline,
however, refrains from making recommendations on the
use of AOBP pending more conclusive research data.20
In the most recent systematic review and meta-analysis
of 31 articles involving 9,279 participants comparing
AOBP with daytime ABPM, readings were found to be
similar, which suggested that AOBP did not exhibit the
WCE associated with COBP.21 The study concluded that
AOBP should replace COBP in the clinic setting.
WCE has been hypothesised to be related to the
presence of healthcare professionals during the BP
measurement.22 There are two elements in conventional
AOBP measurement that ameliorate the WCE:
measurement with a fully automatic machine instead
of being operated by a healthcare professional and
being left alone quietly in a single room for more than
two minutes.22 The latter is difficult to achieve in
the local setting due to space constraints. If it can be
demonstrated that being alone in a single room is not an
essential element in eliminating the WCE during AOBP
measurement, there is then a strong reason to adopt wa-
AOBP as the routine method of office BP measurement.
For the design of the procedure of BP measurement,
we took both practical factors and the effectiveness of
eliminating the WCE into consideration. In our study,
we arranged the subject to be seated in a corner of the
waiting area in a way that the clinic nurse would be
out of sight of the subject as far as possible. We also
started the first wa-AOBP measurement at 3 minutes
so that any WCE would have resolved. The monitor
display of the BP machine was deliberately hidden
during the whole procedure so that any psychological
impact of the BP reading on the subject would be
avoided. Previous studies adopted a 2-minute interval
between BP measurements, but available data showed
that 1-minute interval gave similar results.23 In our
study we hence adopted a 1-minute interval so that the
duration of the procedure can be shortened. Previous
studies adopted an average of 5 to 6 BP readings as
the standard. Study data had since then shown that an
average of 2 to 3 readings gave a similar result if a
5-minute rest time is allowed before the procedure.23 We
hence adopted an average of 3 readings in our study.
The whole procedure of wa-AOBP in our study hence
involved a 5-minute rest time, a 3-minute flush time and
two 1-minute waiting time between BP measurements.
Considering the time for one BP measurement to be
around 20 seconds, the whole procedure of wa-AOBP
measurement in our study took 11 minutes. In real-life
clinic practice, wa-AOBP measurement can start after
a 5-minute rest time, and the whole procedure would
take 8 minutes. This is not much longer than a properly
performed COBP, when a 5-minute rest time would also
be recommended before the BP measurement.
We considered that a difference between methods
of BP measurements would be clinically significant
only if the BP readings were 5 mmHg or more. For a
difference of less than 5 mmHg, it would be unlikely
that any change in the clinical management including
the adjustment of anti-HT drug dosage would be
necessary. Our data showed a significant decrease in
the mean wa-AOBP of 5.7/2.4 mmHg when compared with COBP. This indicated that wa-AOBP was an
effective way to eliminate the WCE. The CAMBO trial
demonstrated a greater decrease in the mean AOBP
of 14/4 mmHg when compared to COBP taken during
a previous visit.17 In the CAMBO trial, a manual
manometric sphygmomanometer was used for COBP
measurement in contrast to the electronic BP machine
used in our study. This would have significantly
reduced manipulation during inflation of the cuff and
avoided the need for auscultation of the Korotkoff
sounds during the BP measurement. Also, a rest time of
5 minutes was allowed before COBP measurement in
our study, which was not a requirement in the CAMBO
trial. These two differences might have accounted for
the significantly lower COBP readings in our study,
and hence a smaller difference. A third difference lies
in the lower mean COBP in our study (133.5 ± 13.2 /
80.2 ± 9.9 mmHg) when compared to the CAMBO trial
(149.5 ± 10.7 / 81.4 ± 8.5 mmHg). We demonstrated a
significantly greater difference between COBP and wa-AOBP in the higher BP subgroup. The higher mean BP
of the subjects in the CAMBO trial might have hence
also contributed to the greater difference.
When our wa-AOBP and HBPM data were
compared, there was no significant difference in
SBP while the difference in DBP was clinically nonsignificant.
HBPM results also showed a significant
decrease in SBP of 7.3 mmHg when compared with
COBP. This is in agreement with other studies in which
the difference was contributed to by the elimination of the
WCE during HBPM measurement.13 Our results suggest
that wa-AOBP effectively minimises the impact of WCE.
Subgroup analysis was performed to identify
characteristics associated with a greater difference
between wa-AOBP and COBP, in which case the
particular subgroup would benefit more from adopting
wa-AOBP as the method of BP measurement. It is
known that older people are more susceptible to the
WCE.24,25 Our results, however, did not show any
significant difference between the < 75 and the ≥ 75
year age groups, possibly due to the small sample size.
When the lower SBP (< 135 mmHg) and the higher
SBP (≥ 135 mmHg) groups were compared, there were
significant differences in SBP of 6.5 mmHg and DBP
of 1.8 mmHg. This indicates that the WCE is more
marked in patients presenting to the clinic with a higher
BP. This finding is practically important because under
situations of constraint in resources, wa-AOBP can be reserved for the group of patients with sub-optimal BP
control. Alternatively, wa-AOBP can be used for more
reliable BP assessment when initial COBP measurement
yields abnormally high BP readings.
Our results supported the hypothesis that wa-AOBP, like conventional AOBP, can effectively
eliminate the WCE of COBP measurement. In contrast
to COBP, wa-AOBP is performed in the absence of
medical professionals by a fully automatic machine that
provides automatic trigger and repeated measurements.
All three elements contributed to the amelioration of
the WCE during the BP measurement. Our data also
supported the hypothesis that wa-AOBP and HBPM
measurements are comparable. By obviating the need
to occupy a single room during the BP measurement,
wa-AOBP is a practical solution to a reliable office BP
measurement method in most clinics in Hong Kong. The
extra three minutes required for wa-AOBP measurement
when compared to a standard COBP measurement
should incur no significant extra burden to the running
of a busy clinic.
Although our results showed that the performance
of wa-AOBP and HBPM were comparable, we do not
propose to consider wa-AOBP as a substitute for HBPM.
During HBPM, the patient takes an active role in the
BP measurement, and as such, would enhance patient empowerment, reinforcement in life-style management
and improvement in drug compliance.26 The roles of
wa-AOBP and HBPM are hence complementary. ABPM
is both resource and manpower demanding, and is best
reserved for the more difficult situations.
There are several limitations in our study. As we
included subjects with relatively stable BP and the study
was conducted in a clinic setting, the conclusions drawn
from the study might not apply to diagnosis, subjects
with extremes of BP and different medical settings such
as old age homes and emergency departments. In our
study, wa-AOBP was always performed after COBP. The
results were hence susceptible to systematic order bias.
In our study, there was no direct comparison of
wa-AOBP against ABPM, the gold-standard of BP
measurement. Further studies to establish the extent
of elimination of the WCE would be necessary before
wa-AOBP can be more widely adopted in clinical
practice. It is best to conduct a direct comparative study
between wa-AOBP and daytime ABPM. Alternatively,
comparative study between wa-AOBP and conventional
AOBP can be considered.
The author did not receive funding for the current
Conflicts of interest
The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
This study was conducted as part of the assessment
for the degree of Master of Science in Gerontology at
the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Leung Shu Piu,
MBBS (HK), FRCP (Edinburgh, Ireland), MSc Gerontology (CUHK)
Private practice
Correspondence to: Dr. Shu-piu Leung, Shop 11, 1-7 Wu Kwong Street, Hunghom,
Kowloon, HKSAR