Student suicide: what's the role of family physicians?
Kwok-keung Ng
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
Discussion Paper
The evolving management of gestational diabetes
Mary Charlton
What's on the web for family physicians - focal liver lesions
Alfred KY Tang, Chun-fai Lau
MCQ June 2016
Clinical Quiz
This middle age lady presented with asymptomatic nodule at her groin for a few years
King-man Ho
Update Article
Hyperpigmented nodular plaques - a clinicopathological case study
MKA Basra, KS Chen, SM Andrew, AC Chu, AW Macfarlane

Update on Zika virus infection for primary care providers
Pui-yi Siu, David VK Chao
The Hong Kong Practitioner
is indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
ISSN 1027-3948 (Printing)
ISSN 2410-5015 (Online)

(C) Copy Rights Reserved

Published by
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Room 803-4, 8th Floor,
HKAM Jockey Club Building,
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong.
Tel : 2871 8899
Fax : 2866 0616
Website: http://www.hkcfp.org.hk