What to do with what we have learned?
Frederick C T Lee
Original Articles
Collaboration between Family Medicine and Internal Medicine - a new model of care for effective primary care
Martin C S Wong, Alvin C Y Chan, Wai-keung Kwan, S W Mercer, S M Griffiths, Yuk-kwan Yiu
Proportions and risk factors for chronic diabetic complications among Type 2 diabetics patients in a primary care clinic
Dominic M W Lau
Update Article
Chemical pathology case conference - interpretation of thyroid function tests
Angel O K Chan, C C Shek, Michael H M Chan, W T Poon, Y P Yuen, Chloe M Mak, Morris H L Tai, C W Lam, Rossa W K Chiu, Albert Y W Chan, Sidney Tam, Tony W L Mak
Dr Sun Yat Sen Oration
Family physicians and non-communicable diseases
P Y Lam
Case Report
Two Chinese gentlemen with lung cancer presented with chest pain
Ken K M Ho, M S Ng, Alvin C Y Chan
What's in the web for family physicians - women's health
Alfred K Y Tang
The Hong Kong Practitioner
is indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
ISSN 1027-3948 (Printing)
ISSN 2410-5015 (Online)

(C) Copy Rights Reserved

Published by
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Room 803-4, 8th Floor,
HKAM Jockey Club Building,
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong.
Tel : 2528 6618
Fax : 2866 0616
Website: http://www.hkcfp.org.hk