Promote family medicine through sharing among healthcare professionals
Wai-man Yeung
Update Article
Approach to asymptomatic microscopic haematuria in primary care
Sze-wai Yeung, Pang-fai Chan, Loretta KP Lai
Case Report
An unusual tuberculosis case presentation as cervical lymphadenopathy and extensive pelvic and peritoneal lesions
Sio-pan Chan
Clinical Quiz
A 40-year-old lady with good past health complained of recurrent rashes over her left forearm
Adrian KC Cheng
Case Report
Vitamin B12 deficiency presented with loss of taste in primary care
Ka-ming Ho, Ka-yan Or, Catherine XR Chen, Yim-chu Li
What’s in the web for family physicians - a review on antibiotic resistance
Sio-pan Chan, Wilbert WB Wong, Alfred KY Tang
The Hong Kong Practitioner is indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
ISSN 1027-3948 (Printing)
ISSN 2410-5015 (Online)

(C) Copy Rights Reserved

Published by
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Room 803-4, 8th Floor,
HKAM Jockey Club Building,
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong.
Tel : 2871 8899
Fax : 2866 0616
Website: http://www.hkcfp.org.hk