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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Board of Professional Development and Services

Chairman: Dr. LAU Ho Lim
Vice Chairman: Dr. Jun LIANG (Medical Conference)
Members: Dr. CHAN Hung Chiu Dr. LEE Siu Yin, Ruby
Dr. CHAN Ming Wai, Angus Dr. NGAN Po Lun

Dr. CHAO Vai Kiong, David
Dr. TSOI Lai To, Sammy

Dr. CHEUNG Man Kuen
Dr. WANG Hua Li

Prof. LAM Lo Kuen, Cindy Dr. FOO Kam So, Stephen

Prof. LI Kwok Tung, Donald
Staff: Please check

About the Board:

The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians has accumulated much experience and expertise over the years in training and examining family physicians at a high level of excellence matching international standards. In the process for training and examination, we have also generated an experienced team in organising professional programmes specifically tailored to these purposes.

As requests for educational programmes in family medicine flowed in from mainland China and Macau, in 2010 we considered it was time we utilised our treasured experience, expertise and heritage to form a new board which aims at making a concerted effort to provide professional services and development to healthcare professionals in mainland China and Macau in the field of family medicine.

It is with these precepts that the Board of Professional Development and Services (BPDS) was established in October 2010 to provide educational activities for doctors from mainland China and Macau in different projects and courses in relation to family medicine, and in such doing maintain the leading role of our College in family medicine in the region.

The formation of BPDS can provide a prompt and timely answer to requests for training, examination or standard setting from overseas professional organizations, with a preset planning and executing procedural guidelines, and a flexible tiered fee structure.

Over the years, BPDS has organised short courses for doctors in community health centres from mainland China and a Certificate course on Primary Care Geriatrics for Macau doctors. We are currently in the second year of a three-year CME programme co-organised with the Macau Health Bureau for family doctors in Macau, in which we provide the teaching faculty and they the supportive infrastructure.

Feedback received from the attendees of these courses was all positive and provided a strong impetus for us to continue to strive for excellence.

These courses could not have come to fruition without the contribution from College members who unselfishly share their expertise and experience, to whom the Board Chairman would like to express his sincere gratitude.


“香港全科醫學骨幹能力提升培訓班” 證書驗證 (BPDS Certificate for SMEA-GP programme)
