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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Membership Committee

Chairlady: Dr. Maria KW LEUNG
Deputy Chairlady: Dr. Loretta WY CHAN
Dr. CHAN Man Li
Staff: Please check

Terms of Reference
1. To monitor and maintain the membership status;
2. To organize and keep an updated records/statistics of all members;
To review and define the status of different categories of membership;

To set up criteria, guidelines and procedures for enrollment/transfer of Membership and election to Fellowship;

To scrutinize and process applications for memberships of different categories;

To supervise collection of annual subscription fee and prepare list of termination, resignation and fee exemption.;
7. To advise amendment of Articles of Association relating to membership issues;
8. To communicate and co-ordinate with other Boards/Committees of the College in enlisting members' support and participation in College activities.
