About HKCFP > Boards and Committees
Internal Affairs Committee
Dr. Welchie W K KO
Dr. David V K CHAO
Dr. LAU Ho Lim
Prof. Samuel Y S WONG
Dr. Cecilia Y M FAN
Dr. Billy C F CHIU
Ms. Erica M SO (General Manager)
Ms. Teresa D F LIU (Executive Officer)
Ms. Windy W L LAU (Administrative Executive)
The Internal Affairs Committee is one of the committees under the Hong
Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP), and is responsible for helping the
College to organise Annual Events, namely Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and Dr. Sun Yat Sen Oration,
Annual Dinner, and members engagement activities through Photography Club with
the aims as follows:
1. Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and Dr. Sun Yat Sen Oration
To confer fellowships, diplomas, certificates, and awards to successful candidates in the corresponding categories
To confer Honorary Fellowship, as appropriate
To invite guests with significant contributions in development of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care to be the Orator for the Dr. Sun Yat Sen Oration
To provide a platform for HKCFP Members and dignitaries from the Department of Health, Hospital Authority, Universities and Academic Colleges to meet and celebrate the occasion
2. Annual Dinner
To provide an occasion for HKCFP
Members to meet and interact with Council Members Censors, Board/Committee
Members, Examiners, Invited Guests and the successful Candidates of the College
examinations for the year.
3. Photography Club
To encourage and promote photography among HKCFP Members and Fellows by providing a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, practical help and guidance.
To provide photographs on particular themes as indicated for HKCFP’s website, Journal and other College publications.
To enhance HKCFP Members’ and Fellows’ sense of belonging and coherence to the College through photography.