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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Web and Computer Committee

Chairman: Dr. Matthew MH LUK
Members: Dr. Stephen K C Cheung
Dr. K L Chow
Dr. Howard H T Kwong
Dr. Peter KT. WAN
Dr. David KK Wong
Staff: Please check

The Present
The Web and Computer Committee is a relatively small committee. Our mission essentially is to ensure the normal functioning of the College Web page, the computer hardware and software for the College office. In addition, we may advise the College on matters related to the Computer programs and information security via web pages

Over the years, there are new needs emerging:

For the Members
There are needs for using the web page to disseminate information from the College. It is obvious of good use by various Boards notably, the Examination Boards, Exit, Conjoint and DFM alike. The President’s message, Board of Education news and FP link are examples that the Web page has ensured members could access to the most updated news.

Communication is not only from the central core, it is also among the cluster of members down to individuals. The current web has accommodated the need, in case members share similar background (HA area clusters) or interest (e.g. Mental health or dermatology) could utilize the Web as a communication platform.

The Photo section serves a good album function - members can provide good shots if desired. Our College Manager Erica has put in a section of Obituary, where friends and colleagues will be remembered for good.

For the Public
To turn into the Internet for information is a trend that becomes a daily practice. The Public looks for health information, wonder where and who could provide the health service they have in mind. In answering this, we have been preparing a Members Directory, with a hope that the Public can go to the web and find the duly trained Family Physician to answer their health needs. After a year, the Member Directory has passed the initial application stage with the necessary document, application and approval from the Medical Council. (Please clarify whether the directory is approved already or passed initial application stage?)

At the same time, we are looking at preparing update and reliable health information for the public, should they turn to our web page looking for answers. We are fostering the support from Public Education Committee, though even with the combined manpower, the task of launching and updating health information is an ongoing labour and knowledge intensive process.

In the future
We are entering the second phase of the Member Directory to link up our member and the community. In practice this will involve the degree and details of members’ information being displayed, the format and user-friendly considerations. While we acknowledge some members’ option not to be listed with details, we have to work out the balance. We will report the progress to the College members.

We are looking into Facebook and similar web related areas, we may have educational activities via the Web as continuous education is an important area of interest.

Need Your Help
It is a practical committee, matters are all related to solving problems. We need suggestions on how to ensure the lowest possibilities of making mistakes, need helps in collecting and checking health information to be accessible by the public.

Any members interested in Computer and Web functions are welcome to join , as committee members, as health information workers, writers , editors or as coordinator for the respective Cluster web pages; for anything related to Web and Computer, one just needs to contact me or the College secretariat .
