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Clinical Quiz (Please login 'Member Area' for online submission of latest issue)

Clinical Quiz June 2024 (deadline: 22 Aug 2024)

A 6-year-old boy with good past health complained of itchiness over his scalp for 3 months
Dr. Adrian KC Cheng

Readers are invited to participate in the Clinical Quiz*. Simply answer the question, fill in the reply slip and return it to the College by 22 Aug 2024. Each reader is allowed to submit one entry only. 

*Note: There would be no prize award for this issue while sponsorship for Clinical Quiz has been ended in September 2020 issue. The answer of the Clinical Quiz for this issue will be announced in the next issue. Thank you for your support.

Clinical history:

A 6-year-old boy with good past health complained of itchiness over his scalp for 3 months. Clinical examination showed erythematous scaly plaques over his occipital scalp and posterior neck with occasional pustules. Wood’s lamp examination (Ultraviolet lamp) showed green-florescence over the lesions. There were no other lesion over his face, trunk and limbs. Nails examination was normal.

What is the diagnosis?

A. Seborrhoeic dermatitis
B. Tinea capitis
C. Pustular psoriasis
D. Lichen planopilaris
E. Alopecia areata
