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Suggested Reading


The bibliography of general practice is so extensive that it is difficult to give a recommended reading list. You should ensure that your knowledge of contemporary general practice is kept up-to-date by reading relevant books and textbooks, together with reputable mainstream medical journals. The following list is by no means exhaustive.


1. The Hong Kong Practitioner

2. Australian Family Physician (Australian Journal of General Practice after January 2018)

3. CHECK programmes of the RACGP

In addition useful articles on family medicine may be found in the following Journals:

1. Canadian Family Physician

2. American Family Physician

3. Update - The Journal of Postgraduate General Practice

4. HKMA CME Bulletin

5. The Hong Kong Medical Diary

6. The Hong Kong Medical Journal

PubMed Online Search Site


Recommended Readings:

1. Murtagh J:  General Practice. 8th ed. McGraw Hill 2021.  

2. Freeman TR: McWhinney’s Textbook of Family Medicine. 4th ed. Oxford University Press 2016.

3. Simon C, Everitt H, Dorp F, Hussain B, Nash E and Peet D: Oxford Handbook of General Practice. 5th ed. Oxford University Press 2020

Books on clinical methods and physical examination:

1. Fraser R: Clinical Methods: A General Practice Approach. 3rd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.

2. Glynn M and Drake M: Hutchison's Clinical Methods. 25th ed. Saundres 2022.

3. McRae R: A Clinical Orthopaedic Examination. 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone 2010.

Reference books on family medicine:

1. Paulman P and Taylor RB: Family Medicine Principles and Practice. 7th ed. New York: Springer-verlag 2016.

2. Jones R et al: Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care. Oxford University Press 2004.

Reference books on special topics:

1. Charlton R (ed): Learning to Consult. CRC Press 2nd ed. July 2016.

2. Simon C et al: Emergencies in Primary Care. Oxford University Press 2007.

Books on evidence based medicine:

1. Straus SE et al: Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone 2018.

2. Greenhalgh T: How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine. 5th ed. Wiley Blackwell 2014.

Books on medical ethics:

1. Baxter, Brennan and Coldicut: The Practical Guide to Medical Ethics and Law, 2nd modified ed. Pastest 2014.

Clinical atlases on dermatology, radiology and ECG, e.g.

1. Fitzpatrick TB: Colour Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology. 7th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill 2013.

"Exam Practice Books”: many of these books are catered for the MRCGP Examination and not for the Conjoint Examination; nevertheless they are useful for ireference or exam practice. Examples include:

- Wearne: Clinical Cases for General Practice Exams. 4th ed. McGraw Hill 2019.

- Daniels: MRCGP AKT: 1001 Questions and Answers. Second edition 2016. Pastest.

- Thakkar: MRCGP Practice Cases - Clinical Skills Assessment. Pastest 2014.

- Rushforth and Firth: Get Through MRCGP Clinical Skills Assessment. Arnold 2nd ed. 2013.

Even though the above mentioned textbooks are recommended as being worth reading and are useful references, candidates must bear in mind that they will be examined primarily on the concepts, principles and philosophy of family medicine in Hong Kong.