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40th Anniversary Celebration
Research & Publications > The Hong Kong Practitioner > Non-member Subscription

Non-member Subscription

The Hong Kong Practitioner is published quarterly by The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.

The Journal is indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica as `HK Pract'. It has a circulation of 4000, distributed to all members and some non-members of the College, academic institutions as well as private subscribers in Hong Kong and overseas.

The aim of the journal is to promote the development of quality family medicine/general practice in Hong Kong and the region, by publishing editorials, original articles, update reviews, discussion papers, case reports and self-assessment materials.

To Subscribe
If you were not our member but wish to subscribe for The Hong Kong Practitioner, please complete the Subscription Form and send back to our secretariat:

Editorial Board
Room 803-4, 8/F, HKAM Jockey Club Building,
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong