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Research & Publications > The Hong Kong Practitioner > Information for Authors

Information for Authors

Circulation and Content

The Hong Kong Practitioner is published quarterly by The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.

The Journal is indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica as 'HK Pract'. It has a circulation of 4000, distributed to all members and some non-members of the College, academic institutions as well as private subscribers in Hong Kong and overseas.

The aim of the journal is to promote the development of quality family medicine/general practice in Hong Kong and the region, by publishing editorials, original articles, update reviews, letters to the editor, and self-assessment materials.


Manuscript Criteria – General

Papers submitted for publication should fulfill the following criteria:-

  1. Manuscript to be accompanied by covering letter, signed by all authors stating that it is original and no part of it has been submitted for publication elsewhere and identifying any possible conflict of interest, and the contribution of each author. (Declaration Form for signed  )
  2. Typed in double line spacing with 3cm margins.
  3. Submission of manuscript should be the preferred Microsoft Word (DOC) format, and sent to with one printed copy of the manuscript to the Editor.
  4. List of full names (both in English with Western name(s) first, then Chinese names hyphenated or initials, and then family name and if applicable in Chinese characters) with a maximum of six authors, giving basic and higher qualifications and current appointment of each.
  5. A maximum of four qualifications will be included for each author. All qualifications should be identified and include name of awarding body or institution.
  6. The principle author should give his or her address for correspondence.
  7. Authorship details should be on a sheet separate from the main text to assist in sending papers ‘blind’ to referees. Spelling should conform to the Oxford Dictionary.
  8. Abbreviations should be spelt in full when first used.
  9. Generic names of drugs must be used. Proprietary names may be used in parentheses on the first occasion if necessary.
  10. SI units should be used, with traditional units in parentheses.
  11. Tables and illustrations should be on separate sheets and clearly labelled. The titles should enable interpretation without reference to the text.
  12. Photographs should be labelled on the reverse.
  13. References should conform with the Vancouver style as used in this journal, and must be clearly numbered in the correct order in the text. Journal titles should be abbreviated to Index Medicus Style. List all authors and/or editors up to three; if more than three, list the first three and et al.
  14. While a liberal policy is adopted in matters of controversy, no personal attacks, explicit or implied, are permitted.
  15. Attempts at self advertising or unwarranted promotion of particular drugs or procedures will lead to rejection of the article.
  16. Ten copies of reprints will be provided free to the authors if requested. Additional copies may be purchased and should be ordered when the proofs are returned.
  17. All articles described in this Information for Authors are peer reviewed. At least one of the reviewers will be a family physician.
  18. All articles are subject to editing.
  19. Correspondence should be addressed to "The Editor, The Hong Kong Practitioner, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Room 803-4, 8/F, HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong."

Authors assign copyright of all articles to the journal. However, 10% of any article may be used elsewhere without permission.


Categories of Articles

Original Research Papers

Papers on original research relating to primary care in Hong Kong are particularly welcome.

They should be set out in a standard format with an Introduction giving background and objectives; Method giving details of subjects, study design and measurements, interventions, outcomes, and statistical methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; References; and Acknowledgements.

Papers should be between 1,500 and 3,500 words in length.

Graphs and tables should be limited to six and references to 40.

A structured summary of up to 200 words should be set out under the headings of Objective, Design, Subjects, Main Outcome Measures, Results, and Conclusions. Up to five keywords should be given to aid index cross-reference.


Educational Update Articles

They should be relevant to the Family Physician who is trying to keep up to date with recent advances in primary care.

Articles should be between 1,500 and 3,500 words, and structured with a summary, introduction, and main body of article with appropriate subheadings.

Graphs and tables should be limited to six and references to 40.


Discussion Papers

Papers on topics and issues of relevance to primary care are welcome. They should present a hypothesis or problem, and offer a way of solving it or a solution for discussion. They should be between 1,500 to 3,500 words, and structured with a summary, introduction, and main body of article with appropriate subheadings.

Graphs and tables should be limited to six and references to 40.


Case Reports

These articles should be up to 1,500 words reporting cases of particular interest, difficult management, unusual presentations or outcomes, carrying a useful message to other doctors; with no more than one table or illustration and five references.


Letters to the Editor

Letters should be up to 500 words with no more than one table or illustration and five references.



The information, opinions and views presented in the Hong Kong Practitioner reflect the views of the authors and contributors of the articles and not of the Editorial Board or its publishers. Publication of articles, advertisements or product information does not constitute endorsement or approval by the journal. 

The Hong Kong Practitioner and/or its publisher shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of The Hong Kong Practitioner or its contents. While the advice and information in this journal are believed to be true and accurate on the date of its publication, neither the editors, publisher, owners nor the authors accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have occured or for the results obtained from the use of such material. Although every effort is made by the editorial board and the publishers to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement appear in this journal, the data and opinions appearing in the articles including editorials, images and advertisements herein are the responsibility of the contributors concerned.