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40th Anniversary Celebration
Education & Examinations > Training Programme > Critical Incident in Training

Critical Incident in Training

Definition of Critical Incident


Critical incident is any adverse event that has resulted in a serious negative outcome for Patient, Trainees, Clinical supervisors, Training site staff, HKCFP and/or its staff, program reputation or any combination of these. 

For Critical incident, please obtain the form "Report of Critical Events to HKCFP" from here and submit to within 48 hours.

Reporting Criteria for Critical Incident of Training 

All Critical Incident related to Training must be reported to BVTS of HKCFP. These include: - 

  1. Serious personal injury or death of a Trainee
  2. Serious negative outcome for a patient managed by the Trainee
  3. A significant complaint or issue that may result in reputational damage for the trainee, supervisors, training site or HKCFP
  4. Supervisors or Trainee with notifications from the Medical Council of Hong Kong, that there may be need (mandatory or voluntary) for placing of conditions, undertaking, reprimands or notations on their registration
  5. Serious Concerns or issues in compliance with HKCFP BVTS training standards or requirements


When dealing with adverse events, the training providers and other parties will adhere to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, HKCFP Privacy Policy and protect the confidentiality of those involved. All reports will be treated as confidential and maintained securely, regardless of whether the incident is deemed critical or not. Access to HKCFP personnel is granted only as required to appropriately manage the incident and support the training site, supervisor or register. 

Aggregated reported adverse event data used for quality improvement purposes is de-identified.

Training sites and supervisors must ensure that they adhere to Privacy legislation in submitting reports and attachments. No patients identifying information should be submitted e.g. patient name, patient progress notes. If necessary for reporting a deidentified summary of the situation should be submitted.