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40th Anniversary Celebration
Education & Examinations > HKCFP/RACGP Conjoint Exam > Exam Fees and Dates

Exam Fees and Dates

Application and Examination Fees

Application forms are available from the College Secretariat at Room 803-4, HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong. You may also download the application forms from our College website, Please note that the deadline for application is 11 April 2024 (Thursday).

Application Fee: $3,000
Examination Fee:
- Full Examination (Written + Clinical)

- Written Examination:

  • AKT
  • KFP



- Clinical Examination

Please make the cheque payable to HKCFP Education Limited. If a candidate applied for the Full Examination but failed in the Written Examination, s/he will be automatically withdrawn from the Clinical Examination, and the Clinical Examination fee ($18,000) would be refunded.

Refund Policy

If a candidate wishes to withdraw from the examination, and written notice of withdrawal is received by the College 60 days or more prior to the date of the examination, he will receive a refund of $36,000 (for the whole examination), $9,000 (for AKT), $9,000 (for KFP) or $18,000 (for the clinical examination). The application fee of $3,000 will not be refunded.

No refund will be given if the written notice of withdrawal is received by the College within 60 days of the date of the examination.

All fees paid are not transferable to subsequent examinations.


18 August 2024 (Sunday)     Conjoint Examination – Written Examination (KFP)
25 August 2024 (Sunday) Conjoint Examination – Written Examination (AKT)
27 October 2024 (Sunday) Conjoint Examination – Clinical Examination (CCE)