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40th Anniversary Celebration
Education & Examinations > Training Programme > Mentorship Programme (YDC)

Mentorship Programme (YDC)

Introduction to the Mentorship Programme

The program has been reviewed by HKCFP Young Doctors Committee in 2017. It was supported and implemented again to connect the young FM doctors to the family physicians practicing in private setting.  


To connect the young doctors with the experienced fellows in private practice
To support the trainees outside the current system and engaging them at an early stage of professional development
To understand more on the primary care in private setting as an important counterpart in the local medical system


The program does not intend to limit to any particular area to be covered during the attachment but they can share some of the issues like,

  1. working experience in the private community setting
  2. personal experience in training and examination
  3. tips on overcoming the difficulties in the career development
  4. vision on family medicine in the future
  5. college educational and social activities

The duration of the individual program would be lasted for not more than 2 years. There is no requirement on the number of visit but suggesting at least one visit per year on need basis. 

Target groups:


Year 3 and above FM trainees who would look for a mentor working in private setting and widen the exposure in their journey of training


By invitation on those HKCFP fellows who are practicing in private setting and committed to share with the trainees


Those FM trainees, at any time of their training period, can apply it if one would like to look for a mentor to understand more the work and life as private family doctor. They can download the application form and send to the secretary. We will pair up the mentor and mentee for the program.