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40th Anniversary Celebration
Quality Assurance & Accreditation > MCHK CME Programme for Non-specialist

MCHK CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists

Given the College Secretariat has now taken up the processing of MCHK CME record for members who use the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) as their Administrator for the said program, the associated administration charge will be waived. Provided that member has returned the signed consent form to the College Secretariat (Form A)  

For Members starting their next MCHK Cycle from 1 July 2024:

1.  Select HKAM as your MCHK CME administrator through HKCFP, please return Form A ; OR 

2.  Change to other MCHK CME administrators (HKMA,HKDU,DH) with cycle start date 1 July, please return Form B

Please return the completed form to or fax to 2866 0616 by 28 June 2024 (Friday). 

The Corresponding Forms can be downloaded at: 

MCHK CME Guideline: 

Interested members who are currently not registered with HKAM, please note the following points for your consent:

1. Doctors must be register under one of the CME administrator, in order to be enrolled in the MCHK CME programme (Please refer to for more details)

2. HKCFP Members are NOT automatically registered with Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) via HKCFP as their MCHK CME administrator; unless Registration Consent Form is submitted for further enrolment process. (HKCFP Members are enrolled in HKCFP QA programme only, which is a different CME programme)

3. As by HKAM, starting from Jan 2018 change of MCHK CME Administrator can be arranged after a cycle year of program has completed.

For example:
1) For Cycle starts in January, Members are accepted to transfer to HKAM via HKCFP in January; or
2) For Cycle starts in July, Members are accepted to transfer to HKAM via HKCFP in July

Please provide the CME Report for the preceding cycle year(s) completed within the cycle under other administrator (HKDU, HKMA or DH) together with this form to HKCFP before the above captioned deadline.

4. Retrospective submission cannot be accredited outside the said time frame. Discrepancy of accredited CME Points between HKCFP and ‘other Administrators’, if any, HKCFP has the final decision on the final accredited CME Points.

As the College is required to report the CME Points to HKAM every 6 months,

5. MCHK CME registrants MUST sign on the respective HKAM CME attendance record sheet for CME record purpose as usual. To help the College secretariat distinguishing College members from others, please identify yourself by entering your HKCFP membership number or simply putting “HKCFP” in the column of HKAM.

6. MCHK CME Record may not be updated if one fails to update MCHK CME Administrator in a timely fashion.

As usual late submission may not be proceed.