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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > About the College

About the College

The Hong Kong College of General Practitioners, first established in 1977 by a group of dedicated general practitioners, had grown and matured during the following twenty years. It helped the two universities in Hong Kong to set up Family Medicine Units so that Family Medicine could be included in the Medical Curriculum as a distinct discipline. When the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine was established in 1993, the College was one of its fifteen Foundation colleges. The College was renamed the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians in 1997.

The College performs the following activities: -

  1.  Arranges a large number and variety of educational activities, meeting the needs of members working in different sectors.
  2. Ensures that trainees are properly supervised and training centres are up to standard in order to produce well-trained and well-qualified family physicians.
  3. Conducts yearly Conjoint Fellowship Examination with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners leading to Fellowship degrees of both Colleges.
  4. The College also assesses and recommends candidates for admission to the Fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.
  5. Publishes the College quarterly journal, the Hong Kong Practitioner, contents of which include update articles and original research relevant to family medicine in Hong Kong.
  6. Encourages research in family medicine.
  7. Arranges for members to provide education to the public via health talks, interviews with mass media, and coordinate campaigns and exhibitions on important health issues.
  8. Maintains close relationship with family physicians worldwide by sending delegates to attend and present papers at international conferences, and collaborating with overseas centres to conduct research projects.


香 港 家 庭 醫 學 學 院 簡 介

香港家庭醫學學院的前身是香港全科醫學學院,是由一群熱心的全科醫生在一九七七年所成立,目的是推動香港的家庭醫學發展,這些年來,本院不但協助兩間大學醫學院開設家庭醫學部,把家庭醫學寫進醫學課程內,亦為香港醫學專科學院的成立盡了一分力,成為該院的十五間創院學院之一 。 目前,本學院主要有下列各項工作:

  1. 每年舉辦各式各樣的學術活動,使在不同崗位服務的全科醫生都能繼續學習,以增進專業知識。
  2. 監察本學院認可的家庭醫學培訓中心的服務質素,使在接受培訓的家庭醫生能獲得適當的指導。
  3. 定期與澳洲皇家全科醫學學院合辦專科考試,通過考試的醫生可獲得該學院及本學院兩個學院的院士資格。
  4. 審核香港醫學專科學院的院士資格申請。
  5. 定期出版學會季刊。刊內容包括家庭醫學論文和研究報告等,使會員可交流心得。
  6. 鼓勵家庭醫生參與各項與家庭醫學有關的研究工作。
  7. 本學院亦有主辦或協辦一些醫療常識展覽,及透過演講或大眾傳媒的訪問,向市民推行健康教育。
  8. 每年派代表團到世界各地交流經驗,並在學術研究工作上與其他國家或團體合作。