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40th Anniversary Celebration
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Event Details

Activity Code BE-310524-2446
Activity Name Online Monthly Video Session: "Microbiome Therapeutics & probiotics in the Management in Atopic Dermatitis” by Dr. LOO King Fan, Steven
Activity Date 31 May 2024 14:30 - 15:30
Venue Online
Organization HKCFP
CME / CPD CME - 1.0 (Attendee)
Remarks For Members Only

Up to 2 CPD points (Subject to submission of satisfactory report of Professional Development Log)

*CME points would be given for self-study at online recorded CME lectures only if participating doctors have not attended the same live CME lectures and completed the relevant quiz.

Please note the video session would be conducted online and pre-registration is required. Members who have registered would be given a link to access the video at the designated time stated above. Thank you.

Registration Link:

Post-lecture Questions:

NOTE for attending ONLINE Live CME / Video Session.

  • Please wear a surgical mask if you have respiratory tract infection and confirm that you are afebrile before coming to the meeting.
  • Please wear an appropriate DRESS CODE for attending the College's educational events.
  • Private Video Recording is NOT allowed. Members, who wish to review the lecture, please contact our secretariat.
  • All fees received are NON-refundable and NON-transferable, unless otherwise is indicated.
  • Please bring your own Membership Card to College's educational events. The staff in attendance reserve the right to charge you registration fee as NON-member registrant if you are failed to proof your membership states.
  • Registration will be first-come-first-served. Please reserve your seat as soon as possible.
