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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

November 2018

The magnetic force of the 22nd WONCA World Conference in Seoul, Korea from 17-21 October 2018 was irresistible! Nearly 60 of the College members were there including all the Censors and 11 Council members. Family Physicians from both the private and public sectors were eager to witness the sole main attraction- the inauguration of Dr. Donald Li as the new WONCA President! Congratulations to Donald!! This must be the College’s biggest delegate to an overseas conference.

Apart from setting high standards in the training of family doctors, HKCFP has also nurtured leaders in international family doctors’ organizations. Today we witness Dr. Donald Li, Past President and incumbent Censor of HKCFP, assuming his new role as the President of the World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA). Dr. Li is the second Hong Kong family doctor to lead WONCA, the first being the late Dr Peter Lee who was WONCA President from 1992 to 1995. The fact that the College in her 41-year history has produced 2 WONCA Presidents attests international appreciation of the standard of local training in Family Medicine.

I hosted the HKCFP Cocktail Reception to celebrate the inauguration of Dr. Li at the COEX Exhibition Centre. More than 100 International and Mainland guests attended and it was a wonderful occasion for the Hong Kong delegates to mingle with overseas dignitaries. Thereafter we all ended up in one of the best beef BBQ restaurants nearby. It was not the only beer and food that highlighted the evening but also an opportunity for the young and mature to share the experience and mission of the College. One thing for sure we have learned from Donald is a great leader needed 3Qs: high IQ, EQ and GQ (gastronomic quotient)!  

The highly mobile Hong Kong team had not shopped till you dropped at the main shopping areas like Myeongdong and Dongdaemun way after midnight, but they were still able to attend the 8am programmes in high spirit. Our young doctors lead by Dr. Chan Chi Wai and Dr. Loretta Chan were the reconnaissance troops and arrived early to attend the Young Doctors’ Pre-conference. I am very satisfied to see so many young folks involved in the Rajakumur Young Doctors’ Movement. Dr. Loretta Chan was also elected as Treasurer of the Young Doctors Committee in WONCA Asia Pacific Region. To say I am proud would be an understatement. Prof. Martin Wong won the 1st Distinguished Research Making Family Medicine Shine Award and the Best Oral Presentation Award; and Dr. Esther Yu won the Best Contribution to Family Medicine Award and also the Distinguished Award. Congratulations to Martin and Esther! WONCA 2018 was very fruitful to Team Hong Kong! 

This year is also the 40th Anniversary of the World Health Organisation Alma-Ata Declaration of “Health for All”, a vision and target that the College shares. College also endorses the WHO concept of health being “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. All good primary healthcare systems in the world have family doctors as core members coordinating the primary healthcare team. In achieving health for the whole population, family doctors provide comprehensive, holistic and continuous personcentred care. The declaration is the most quoted during the WONCA Conference. At the following week, the “Global Conference on Primary Health Care” in Astana, Kazakhstan reiterated the importance of the declaration which was adopted at the same place 40 years ago.

Dr. David Chao and I had attended GP18 at Gold Coast, Australia last month. The main mission was to sign Memorandum of Understanding between HKCFP and RACGP. The Colleges aim to improve standards in education and training in General Practice for their mutual benefit and that of their members, patients and communities they serve. The Colleges further aim to strengthen their mutual support and relationship. The Conjoint Examination and reciprocal CME recognition will continue for the years to come. 

October proved to be an extremely busy month. The 32nd Conjoint Examination with RACGP was held on 28th October at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. This year Dr. Kaye Atkinson, new Censor in Chief and Dr. Hung The Nguyen were the external examiners. The whole day again ran very smoothly. The External Examiners were very impressed with our set up and the dedication of the local examiners. The trainees did well and I wish all 34 candidates every success when the good news is announced in late November. Dr. Chan Hung Chiu and his colleagues at the Board of Examination deserved the biggest applause. Our secretariat colleagues were at the College premises at 4:30am to transport the examination files from Wong Chuk Hang to Chai Wan. How can we forget their hard work! Over the past two years, the College and I have received anonymous emails and letters complaining about another member or training practice. The stance of the College Council is we will not reply verbally or in any written form because confidential information cannot be diverted to the “Anonymous”. Everybody knows that I am approachable but we will only reply if we know your name, a genuine member of the College and contact details. Any malicious intent will receive the strongest condemnation from the College Council!

Dr. Angus MW CHAN

