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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

May 2021

The World Family Doctor Day (WFDD), first declared by World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) in 2010, falls on the 19th May annually. It is a day to celebrate the contributions of family doctors and primary care teams in the delivery of personal, comprehensive and continuing health care for all patients in healthcare systems around the globe. WONCA has announced this year’s WFDD theme, “Building the Future with Family Doctors!” This has aligned with the Year of the Health and Care Workers 2021 declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO), based on four fundamental pillars, namely Building the Future with Family Doctors and Primary Care Teams, Building the Future with Family Doctors and Patients, Building the Future with Family Doctors and New Technologies, and Building the Future with Family Doctors and You! Let us join hands to thank all the family doctors around the world for their ongoing contributions towards global health! 

In the first quarter of 2021, we have had a number of COVID-19 outbreak clusters involving food premises and fitness centres. And the local cases of unknown sources/links are still being reported from time to time. More recently, we have had cases with virus mutations. As we are aware, the affected individuals might only have mild or vague symptoms and go unrevealed with the possibility of onwards transmission.

In view of the above, the Centre of Health Protection (CHP) is urging doctors to arrange COVID-19 test for all patients presenting with any acute symptoms, irrespective of their travel history and clinical severity. The CHP has produced Infographics for publicity of COVID-19 testing for patients. (please click) As family doctors, we should continue to encourage people to take up the COVID-19 vaccinations at the first available opportunities in order to protect oneself, the family and the community. The CHP also reiterates that eligible patients should receive COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. As previously mentioned, the Department of Health issued a set of interim guidance notes on common medical diseases and COVID-19 vaccination in primary care settings to facilitate discussion with patients, and it has recently been updated. (please click) Furthermore, new concise guides on COVID-19 vaccines have been issued by CHP for easy reference.  (please click) (please click

In January 2021, the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) conducted an online survey on “Family Doctors' Perception of the District Health Centre (DHC) in Hong Kong”, thanks to the great work of our Research Committee and the support of College Fellows and members. There were 321 respondents, of whom 133 were from the private sector. The most common reason provided by private doctors for not joining the DHC as network doctors was that DHC was unhelpful to their existing practice. However, most respondents agreed training subsidies offered by the government could act as an incentive to encourage more healthcare professionals to support primary healthcare development in Hong Kong. The Diploma in Family Medicine (DFM) (please click) and the Certificate Course in Essential Family Medicine (CCEFM) (please click) are two examples of continuing professional development courses relevant to primary care practice currently open for enrolment. DHC is an important initiative to strengthen district-based primary healthcare services in Hong Kong. Hopefully, findings from the current survey, when fully analysed, would provide additional information on areas for consideration in further enhancing DHC utilisation.

One of the rare adverse events of vaccinations is anaphylaxis which refers to a severe and immediate allergic reaction comprising clinical signs and symptoms such as hives, nausea, dizziness, hypotension, swelling, or respiratory distress.(please click) The Resuscitation Council of Hong Kong has recently published a timely document on "Emergency Management of Anaphylaxis in the Vaccination Setting for Primary Care Doctors", which serves as a useful reference for doctors practising in the community setting. (please click

Thank you for your ongoing contributions in the fight against the virus.

Please keep well and stay safe!

Dr. David V K CHAO
