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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

April 2022

The recent trend of daily number of confirmed COVID-19 patients has decreased to a few thousand cases, thanks to the great efforts of everyone adhering to the infection control and social distancing measures, as well as the ongoing vaccination efforts against COVID-19. The availability of new oral antivirals also helped us to provide treatment for COVID-19 positive patients with mild symptoms. However, we must continue to be vigilant against the virus as the social distancing measures are being adjusted and the schools are reopening. 

Further to my urgent appeal in March for concerted efforts in combating the fifth wave of COVID-19 in fighting against the virus including clinical support in Community Isolation Facilities, for people under quarantine or isolation at home, etc., I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the colleagues and friends who have responded promptly. As a matter of fact, a lot of family doctors have involved themselves in the fight against the virus from the very beginning of the pandemic back in 2020.

I am pleased to announce that our College Council has unanimously agreed to launch the “HKCFP Together We fight the Virus Campaign 2022” in appreciation of the great work being done by our College members. The aim of the Campaign is to demonstrate our determination, unity and solidarity as Family Doctors in helping the community in various ways during this current crisis. As a simple token of appreciation, College members who can demonstrate that they have actively contributed towards the fight against the virus between 1 January and 30 June 2022 would be offered an Appreciation Pack, comprising: 1) an appreciation letter, and 2) free admission to HKPCC 2022 (for replies received by 31 May 2022). Members are therefore strongly encouraged to report their COVID-19 related work by filling in and returning the Reply Slip (via here) to College secretariat by 30 June 2022, so that your great contributions can be collated accordingly, and the overall contributions may be presented in future College activities, if applicable. Appreciation packs would be sent to individuals as soon as possible. Please watch out for announcements to be distributed through the usual College channels. I look forward to receiving your responses soon!

The current HKCFP-HKU Primary Care Morbidity Survey is the third of its kind contributing valuable research data to inform primary health care resource allocation and priorities, service planning, and educational curricula for medical and health care students. This survey has been ongoing since 2021 and the project data collection period has been scheduled to close by the end of September 2022. All doctors in active clinical primary care practice are cordially invited to participate in this meaningful project which is fully supported by HKCFP. Please refer to the relevant page of our College website for details. (Please Click) Kindly grasp this opportunity to help us in updating the primary care morbidity landscape.

Carcinoma of the breast is the most common cancer among women in Hong Kong. The Cancer Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention and Screening (CEWG) has reviewed the most recent international and local scientific evidence and updated its Breast Cancer screening recommendations. Existing recommendations were preserved for women at high risk and slightly changed for women at moderate risk. A few major updates have been made concerning recommendations for other women in the general population, including women aged 44 to 69 with certain combinations of personalised risk factors (e.g. presence of history of Breast Cancer among first-degree relative, a prior diagnosis of benign breast disease, nulliparity and late age of first live birth, early age of menarche, high body mass index and physical inactivity) putting them at increased risk of Breast Cancer are recommended to have mammography screening every 2 years. Potential benefits and harms should be discussed with their doctors before undergoing mammography screening. For more information, please refer to the publication link that follows. (Please Click)

Our College’s Young Doctors’ Committee helps to organise an annual career talk for interns and other doctors who want to know more about HKCFP Family Medicine vocational training, career development opportunities and the discipline in general. The 5th HKCFP Career Talk would be hosted on 27 May 2022 (Friday) from 6:30pm via an online platform. If you are interested to find out more about Family Medicine, please mark your diary and keep an eye on the relevant announcements.

Please keep well and stay safe.

Dr. David V K CHAO
