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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

October 2022

The Government Vaccination Programme (GVP) and Vaccination Subsidy Scheme (VSS) 2022/23 has just been launched at the beginning of October and the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) has appealed to the public to receive seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) for better protection in the forthcoming winter influenza season. SIV is one of the effective methods to prevent seasonal influenza and its complications, and to reduce influenza-related hospitalisation and mortality. It is important for people to receive both SIV and COVID-19 vaccination if no contraindications exist, as patients who have contracted influenza and COVID-19 simultaneously may become more seriously ill. (please click) Besides, a surge in influenza A notifications has been reported earlier than usual in Australia compared with previous years. One of the contributing factors being postulated is the relatively lower proportion of the population have been vaccinated against influenza. Furthermore, there has been little natural influenza infection for the past 2 years due to the pandemic control measures against COVID-19. The herd immunity against circulating viruses may be lower compared with previous years. The data may provide a sign for a possible earlier and more severe influenza season in the northern hemisphere. In fact, health leaders in the UK are also recommending people to get double jabbed to prevent serious illness in the wake of a possible “twindemic”. (please click)

Therefore, as frontline family doctors, we should take the lead and facilitate our patients to take the vaccinations as soon as possible.

With the tremendous support of sponsorship by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) was set up in 2014. Based at and led by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, the HKJCDPRI aims at better preparing the community in Hong Kong to respond to various forms of disasters through people-centred, all-hazards and multi-sectoral disaster risk reduction strategies. The HKJCDPRI has organised Professional Development Programmes, Public Engagement and Education Programmes and Disaster Education at School Programmes to build capacities of target groups in preparing for and responding to emergencies by raising disaster awareness, delivering the required knowledge and enhancing the required skills for coping with disasters. A Commemorative Booklet for the HKJCDPRI is published providing an overview of the many initiatives and activities organized by the Institute since its establishment in 2014 through to its conclusion in October 2022. Please feel free to access the Booklet via the following link. (please click)

As we are in the last quarter and approaching the end of the year, several important events will take place, one being the Fellowship Examination. The written segment has taken place smoothly last month and the clinical part is just around corner, to be held from 22-23 October. Immediately following that would be our Exit Examination with details announced in the current issue of FPLinks. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the candidates the best of luck!

Furthermore, the Annual Refresher Course which is usually held towards the end of the year is another annual event for our College Members and Fellows. The Refresher Course provides an update on various important clinical topics relevant to primary care practice and serves as an additional opportunity for continuing medical /professional development. Please stay tuned for the relevant announcement to come in due course.

Please keep well and stay safe.

Dr. David V K CHAO

