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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

December 2022

The number of daily notifications of positive COVID-19 cases rose again to around ten thousand per day recently. COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent individuals from severe illnesses and complications after getting in contact with COVID-19. Recent local data provided evidence that people vaccinated with 2 or 3 doses have much lower fatality rate than the unvaccinated. Hence, it is strongly recommended that eligible persons (especially those aged under 12 as well as those aged 60 and above) to get vaccinated as soon as possible. (Please Click) Family doctors in private and public, please keep up your excellent work in putting more jabs to arms!

The eagerly awaited bivalent COVID-19 vaccine by BioNTech has arrived and the Government has recently announced its availability to be given as the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination (or the second dose for recovered persons), and for persons aged 18 or above and who had received four doses (or recovered adults who had received the third dose and had received the last dose or recovered for more than six months), if they choose to receive an additional dose of vaccine for better protection. In fact, relevant persons may choose to receive the Sinovac, the BioNTech ancestral strain vaccine or the BioNTech bivalent vaccine. In parallel, outreach medical teams have been arranged to visit residential care homes (RCHs) for the elderly and persons with disabilities to administer the BioNTech bivalent vaccine for residents. (Please Click

As we are in the winter months, just a quick reminder that it is also the season when influenza could be prevalent. Seasonal Influenza Vaccination (SIV) is one of the effective means to prevent seasonal influenza and its complications, as well as reduce influenza-related hospitalisation and death. People contracting influenza and COVID-19 simultaneously may become more seriously ill and have a higher death rate overall. Hence, it is important to receive both SIV and COVID-19 vaccination. Since influenza vaccines have an excellent track record of safety and effectiveness, all persons aged 6 months or above, except those with known contraindications, are recommended to receive SIV for better protection. (Please Click)

December is usually a very busy month due to many Collegial annual conferment ceremonies being held, and this year is no different as Colleges conclude their examinations results and arrange their awards and prizes. These ceremonies also provide ample opportunities for me to meet up with new and existing friends and colleagues from other specialty Colleges as well as international guests, in addition to a show of mutual support in training, assessment, quality assurance and beyond. It is also a great chance for new Fellows to show their gratitude towards their supervisors, trainers, parents and their loved ones who have provided strong support and care throughout the course of the postgraduate training despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

The WONCA Asia Pacific Region (APR) Conference took place from 5th to 7th December 2022 in Bali, Indonesia. This year, the conference theme was entitled, “Primary Health Care Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities for Family Medicine”. The WONCA APR Council Meeting which I attended online also took place successfully on the 5th December using a hybrid meeting format.

Please keep well and stay safe.

Dr. David V K CHAO

