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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

May 2023

Since it was first declared by the World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) in 2010, the World Family Doctor Day (WFDD), 19 of May, has become an annual celebration of the central role of Family Doctors in delivering personal, comprehensive, and continuous health care to patients. It marks a significant occasion to highlight the crucial role and contribution of family doctors and primary care teams in the healthcare systems globally. This year, the theme of the WFDD has been entitled, “Family Doctor: The Heart of Healthcare”. (please click

Family doctors are often perceived as the heart of healthcare for several reasons. First, the long-term relationship built up with the patients by providing the first point of contact for patients seeking medical care, continuous and comprehensive care to patients throughout their lives, enabling in depth understanding of their patients' medical history, lifestyle, and social circumstances, and offering personalised care and support. Second, family doctors take a holistic approach to healthcare, considering not just a patient's physical health, but also their emotional, social, and psychological well-being.

Family doctors focus on preventive care, screening, and early detection of illnesses to help patients maintain good health and prevent chronic diseases. Third, family doctors serve as a central point of coordination for a patient's healthcare needs, working with other healthcare providers, such as specialists and hospitals, to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and avoid duplication of services. Fourth, family doctors are advocates for their patients, helping them navigate the healthcare system and access the resources they need. They also educate patients about their health, including how to manage chronic conditions, make healthy lifestyle choices, and prevent illness.

As in the previous years, our College has planned a series of WFDD activities to celebrate this very important day of the year, including articles in the media, appearance in television, and coorganising celebration events with Primary Care Office of the Health Bureau. Please stay tuned for our announcements in the usual College channels and join in to celebrate the excellent work of family doctors in the community!

Early in May, the Primary Healthcare Office and our College co-organised a webinar entitled “Family Doctor for All” for family doctors in the Primary Care Directory. I spoke on the concept and practice of Family Doctor for All while Dr. Pang Fei-chau elaborated on the related policy and pilot Chronic Disease Co-care Programme. It was well received by the fellow colleagues and we hope to arrange more of these occasions in the near future to continue to promote “Family Doctor for All” concept in Hong Kong.

As Hong Kong has already built up a strong immunity barrier, coupled with the enhancement of prevention and treatment capacities of the healthcare system and the handling capacity of society as a whole, the risk posed by COVID-19 to local public health has apparently altered. The Government has decided to lift all mask-wearing requirements with effect from 1 March. (please click) Furthermore, the WHO Director-General announced on 5 May that COVID-19 is now an established and ongoing health issue which no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). After 3 years of COVID-19 pandemic, we are able to revert back to normal life. And part of that normalcy is to be able to hold conference and encourage exchanges. A quick reminder for the forthcoming Hong Kong Primary Care Conference, 23-25 June 2023, please do register and join us for a fruitful conference ahead. (please click)

Looking further afield, we have the WONCA World Conference in Sydney from 26 - 29 October 2023 to look forward to. (please click)

The 36th Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and the 33rd Dr. Sun Yat Sen Oration is to be held on 25 June 2023 (Sunday) at the Run Run Shaw Hall, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building. We look forward to hosting another important annual College event next month.

Dr. David V K CHAO

