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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

March 2016

The 3rd Cross Straits Conference on General Practice with the theme “Enhance the quality of general practice, promote the building of a healthy China” was held in Shenzhen from 5th to 6th March 2016. I was very pleased to see more than 30 members and fellows from our College attended the conference and quite a number of trainees were present.

During the conference, I announced the inauguration of HKCFP Donald Li Scholarship. The Scholarship will be awarded to three practicing front-line doctors in China who have attended the Training Course in Family Medicine in Hong Kong co-organized by the HKCFP and the Cross-Strait Medicine Exchange Association each year. The awardees of the Scholarship will be vetted by a selection committee formed under our Board of Professional Development and Services based on the applicants’ performance during the training course in Hong Kong, the practical experience of the applicants and the essay attached to the application. Each recipient of the Scholarship will receive HKD 10,000 for further practical Family Medicine training in Hong Kong for one week. They will be assigned for attachment to two approved centres in Hong Kong. I have no doubt the awardees will be the crème de la crème. Let us applaud the generosity of Dr. Donald Li, our Censor, Past President, Honorary Fellow and the current President, HKAM. I most welcome anyone with a spare cent to set more scholarships under the umbrella of the College for the benefit of Family Medicine!

I had to congratulate Prof Cindy Lam on her plenary talk “The implementation of Hong Kong General Practice system at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital”. The unnecessary intravenous therapy at out-patient department had disappeared. Its outcome measures were even better than Hong Kong’s clinics. There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit. What a wonderful achievement! She quoted from Prof Ian R. McWhinney, “Our value to medicine lies in the differences…. Eventually….the academic mainstream will become more like us….” This really sums up our efforts and beyond. The vision will create the mission. When we look back decades later, impossible will become possible. The late Prof McWhinney is best known as the "Father of Family Medicine" for his work in creating a family medicine programme in Canada.

I cannot leave without admiring the contribution of Dr. Daniel Chu, Prof William Wong, Dr. Chan Chi Wai and Dr. Dana Lo to this conference. They represented Hong Kong in delivering talks on various topics. I am very proud of my team!

Dr. Angus M W CHAN
