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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

April 2016

On Saturday 19th March, I had attended the af ternoon session of the Strategic Planning Workshop of The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. This was a very important meeting with Key Issues 1: Vision and Mission, Human Resources and Finance Matters, Strategies. The presentation looked at International and China collaboration, media and external affairs, functions of the Secretariat, overview of staff organizational structure and financial status, projection and sustainability. Key Issues 2: Educational and Examination Matters with discussion in the training curriculum, credentialling and simulation training.

I have previously suggested to my Council the need of a Strategic meeting to lay down the foundation for the next few years. The workshop organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine had provided an excellent framework for our future discussion. Our elected Council will always listen to our Members and Fellows. You will soon receive my invitation to express your ideas, concerns and expectations of the College.

19th May was first declared by WONCA in 2010 as the “World Family Doctor Day” and this day has highlighted the role and contribution of family doctors around the world. This year, HKCFP and Primary Care Office of The Department of Health will co-organize a special Public Event on 15th May 2016 to celebrate this special day. We Family Doctors are the main characters for this event and I would like to invite all the devoted Family Doctors in Hong Kong to join us on this joyful event.

Details of the event:
Place : Forum, Citywalk Phase 1(荃新天地 第一期), Tsuen Wan
Time : 15th May 2016 (Sunday) at 14:30
Title : 「喜怒哀樂 醫瞭身心」 Family Doctor: Brighten your life

The master of ceremony is the ever-popular Mr. Tang Chi Fung 鄧梓峰先生. Activities of the event will include a sharing session by Dr. Lam Wing Woo with his patients on various psychological and health issues. An interactive session is planned with the audiences on the special role of Family Doctor in helping the patients on stress management and positive thinking.

You will receive two well designed posters and a badge to highlight and celebrate this special day. Every proud Family Doctor please post them on your clinic and wear the badge in the month of May.

I must express my gratitude to Primary Care Office in making this event possible. My special thanks to Dr. Allan Ngan, Dr. Lorna Ng, Ms. Erica So, Ms. Priscilla Li, Ms. Windy Lau and Ms. Cherry Chan for their hard work and commitment over the past year.

Finally, have you all seen the TV drama series "My Family Doctor II"? The series commenced the broadcast in February 2016 for a total of five episodes. It received the highest rating on the Saturdays. Our Public Education Committee was the advisor to the RTHK in the production of this popular drama. Their hard work have made a very good Spring harvest! Thank you to Dr. Stephen Foo, Dr. Loretta Chan, Dr. Dana Lo, Dr. Ken Ho, Dr. Lam Wing Wo, Dr. Allan Ngan, Dr. Timothy Hong and Dr. Mark Chan! You can revisit the programme by logging into the RTHK website.

Dr. Angus M W CHAN
