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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

November 2014

Our President Dr. Ruby Lee was conferred Honorary Fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) at the RACGP Academic Session held in Adelaide on 8 October 2014. This is in recognition of her leadership as President of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, and her significant contribution in strengthening the relationship between HKCFP and RACGP.

Our Censor and Past President Dr. Donald Li was conferred an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) at RCPI St Luke's Fellowship Admission Ceremony held in Dublin on 18 October 2014. This Honorary Fellowship is the highest award the College can bestow. This honour is reserved for world leaders in medical science and exceptional contributors to the welfare of our communities both nationally and internationally. These nominees are distinguished in their fields and valued an association with the College.

Our congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Ruby Lee and Dr. Donald Li.


On 8 October 2014 at the RACGP Academic Session, Honorary Awards and Fellowship Ceremony held at Adelaide Town Hall, Australia, I was most honoured to be presented with the Honorary Fellowship of the RACGP.

The Academic Session is the focal point of the RACGP’s academic year where College Awards and Fellowships are presented. Honorary Fellowships are awarded to College Fellows and Members, who provide service to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and/or general practice, to medicine in the fields of education, research or administration and general service to the community. The award is a recognition of the initiatives to strengthen the relationship between two Colleges through the conjoint examination. I would like to thank Dr. Donald Li, the President of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, for referencing me; the Board of Conjoint Examination led by Dr. Chan Hung Chiu Peter, for his unfailing efforts to run the Examination smoothly; the Internal Affairs Committee led by Dr. David Chao for holding the conjoint Conferment Ceremony; the Primary Care Conference Committee led by Drs. Lorna Ng and William Wong for the impressive Conference attended by RACGP Censor in Chief; the Board of Vocational Training & Standards led by Dr. Quincy Yuen for the accreditation of our training centres by RACGP; our Censors Professor Cindy Lam, Dr. Stephen Foo and Dr. Donald Li for their guidance; and our Vice-Presidents Dr. Angus Chan and Dr. Lau Ho Lim, our honorary secretary Dr. Billy Chiu, our Council Members and our secretariat led by Miss Erica So for their unfailing support.

RACGP elected their new president Professor Frank Jones and Censor-in-Chief Dr. Mark Miller in their AGM on 9 October 2014. Dr. Miller came to Hong Kong for our 28th Conjoint Examination on 26 October. I would like to thank Dr. Liz Marles and Dr. Jennie Kendrick, the Immediate Past President and Censor-in-Chief, respectively, and RACGP for their long term support of our Conjoint Examination.

In GP14 – The RACGP Conference for General Practice, I attended a workshop “Outcomes based everything – linking education standards, accreditation and curriculum” by Professor Morton Rawlin, RACGP on the implementation of the new 2011 Curriculum of RACGP. In 2012, The Council of our College also identified the need to renew our curriculum for vocational family medicine training in Hong Kong. With the evolving primary care environment, the ageing population, increasing multi-morbidity, the emerging use of e-health, the requirements of leadership and management, quality and safety concerns and the increasing role of teaching and research in family medicine within the context of multidisciplinary primary care, all present educational and training challenges, updating the curriculum is the first step on the path to incorporating these skills into the lifelong learning of family physicians. Curriculum renewal is an ongoing process because of the changing environment of medicine. We hope that the knowledge provided by our profession’s body of learning will form a sound basis for high quality primary care to Hong Kong.

In the RACGP Gala Dinner, I am most fortunate to sit besides Dr. David Game and Professor Chris VanWeel, our College Honorary Fellows of 1987 and 2009, respectively. Dr. Game has a long history of relationship with our College and has enlightened me on our College history.

Resuscitation Council of Hong Kong – 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting

I attended the 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Resuscitation Council of Hong Kong with our Council member Dr. Mary Kwong on 4 October. I would like to thank Dr. Kwong on representing the College in the Director Board of the Resuscitation Council of Hong Kong.

Dr. Ruby S Y Lee
