On Sunday September 21, 2014, I attended the Credentialling Workshop organized by HKAM. Credentialling is a formal process used to verify the qualifications, experience, and professional standing of medical/dental practitioners for the purpose of forming a view about their competence, performance and professional suitability to provide safe, high quality healthcare services within specific organisational environments (Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care). As we are seeing rapid changes in modern medicine and knowledge, clinical demands, healthcare needs of the population and patients’ expectation, payers and healthcare providers may be demanding some form of credentialling. Credentialling is therefore an important risk management and medico-legal tool, providing evidence that both the medical/dental practitioners and the management of the healthcare organisation have considered their responsibilities seriously.
In the workshop, Professor Ian Rewell from Australia, and Dr. Derek Au, the Director (Quality & Safety) of Hospital Authority and Dr. Ares KL Leung, representative of Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association shared their experiences from overseas as well as from local public and private sectors in credentialling.