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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

September 2014

On the evening of August 20, 2014, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) launched the “Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute” (HKJCDPRI). This institute is a collaboration of HKAM with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, and the Harvard University and other institutions. It has successfully obtained HK$270 million funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to develop an operational centre of excellence in disaster preparedness, response, and management in Hong Kong.

The HKJCDPRI is launching a five-year initiative to enhance the awareness and the ability of local professionals and the general public to cope and deal with potential disasters. The programme will train up a total of 30,000 people from the medical community, non-governmental organizations and the general public. It is equipped with a 360-degree simulation system brought in from the Netherlands which can support up to 20 persons at a time.

Disasters have tremendous impact on individuals, families and communities. I hope that with the expert training from the Institute, family physicians can better support our patients and communities during and after devastating events.

Dr. Ruby S Y Lee
