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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

June 2014

World Family Doctor Day – May 19

The first World Family Doctor Day was declared and celebrated on 19 May 2010. It has been taken up with enthusiasm around the world, offering us an opportunity to celebrate what we do. This initiative provides recognition to family doctors, as well as highlights important issues and the work we perform in supporting health care for all people in our local communities, our nations and around the world.

On 16 May 2014 (Friday) afternoon at the Event Hall of Citywalk 2, Tsuen Wan, our College co-organized the event「我的家庭醫生」啟播禮with the Primary Care Office (PCO) of the Department of Health and the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). The 5-episode TV Drama series aim to promote family medicine with broadcasting on TV from 24 May 2014 onwards for five consecutive Saturdays at 7:30-8:00pm. The Public Education Committee also participated in the event with a patient on stage together to illustrate the importance and value of the continuous and person-centred care by a family doctor. I am deeply grateful to the Food & Health Bureau, PCO, RTHK and our Public Education Committee team including Dr. Allan Ngan, Dr. Mark Chan, Dr. Amy Chan, Dr. Loretta Chan, Dr. Lambert Chan, Dr. Cheung Kwok Leung, Dr. Zabo Chung, Dr. Ken Ho, Dr. Timothy Hong, Dr. Lam Wing Wo, and Dr. Dana Lo for making this possible.

Our Public Education team has received the compliments from RTHK:

「我的家庭醫生」攝製幾近完成。製作期間,承蒙 香港家庭醫學學院鼎力相助,不勝感激。

是次製作,我感受尤深的,是 貴會多位家庭醫生為我們細心提供醫學資料和生活體驗,因為大家不約而同抱有一個目標,就是希望觀眾在欣賞我們聯手製作的劇集時,或多或少吸收到一些醫療知識,甚或有意無意間檢視自己的生活態度。……在百忙中對編劇和導演的有求必應,應必精彩的環節、……好幾個「度劇本」 至深宵的晚上,是我創作生涯不常見,難以忘記的片段。

在這裡容許再說一聲 多謝。


Dr. Ruby S Y Lee
