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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > President’s Message

February 2014

Happy Year of Horse!

This year is not only the Year of Horse but also the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine entering into its third decade. In December 2013, a series of events were organized to celebrate its 20th anniversary. This included a most interesting Congress held on 8-11 December 2013 at the Academy building in Hong Kong. The theme of the Congress is "Manpower needs in medicine: moving with the times".

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO, was one of the keynote speakers. In her speech – “Human resources for medical care: black-out, burn-out or turn-about?”, she said “Here is a final personal conviction that I will share. I am a huge fan of family physicians, the people-centred care they provide, and the values they represent. Unfortunately, Family Medicine is a vanishing specialty worldwide right at the time when it is needed most. Governments must provide the right incentives and environment so that more doctors will specialize in Family Medicine.”

The HKAM 20th anniversary celebration also marks the opening of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Center for Medicine, situated on the seventh floor of the Academy building. In 2010, the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine adopted a position that “Colleges should be encouraged to build more skill / simulation laboratories and develop simulation-based training.”

Curriculum Review

With today’s burden of non-communicable diseases, aging population, and culture of “excess”: excessive diagnostic tests and intervention, a strong Family Medicine system is necessary. The council reckoned that our curriculum could be updated to include the newer, contemporary core competencies that are necessary for practicing within an evolving environment. Curriculum renewal should be an ongoing process because of the changing environment of medicine. Our sister colleges RACGP and RCGP have both reviewed their curricula in recent years. The Vocational Training Programme Review Subcommittee was therefore set up under the Board or Vocational Training and Standards.

Congratulations to Dr. Edmund Lam who was accredited clinical fellowship of the AAMFT, a very honoured and rare achievement for a family therapist outside of the US.

Dr. Ruby S Y Lee
