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QA&A News – CME/CPD Compliance

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

This message just acts as a reminder to all our Members and Fellows to obtain adequate points of CME/CPD when there is still about 2 months to the end of 3 year QA cycle (2014 – 2016).

To ensure you can obtain the CME Certificate every year, do remember that you have to be satisfied with 30 CME/CPD points; and for the QA Certificate every 3 years, it requires no less than 60 CME points and at least 30 CPD points, in a 3 year cycle. All HKAM Fellows are required to obtain the minimum of 90 points, including at least 15 CPD points and no less than 75 CME points, in a 3-year cycle.

For members who enrolled in HKCFP/RACGP Reciprocal Recognition Programme and considered to practice in Australia, please be reminded that attending one Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course is required by RACGP. Please view the RACGP website for details.

There are also many enquiries concerning the way to gain CPD points, the following lists the examples of gaining CPD points for members and fellows reference:

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Logs

  • I. self-appraisal activities on lectures, seminars and workshops organized by the Board of Education

    II. reading journal article published in the HK Practitioners or HK Medical Journal

    III. Evidence Based Practice (EBP) report with the reference to a journal article published in the HK Practitioners, the HK Medical Journal, or in an indexed or refereed Medical Journal

    IV. Practice Audit, Review and Appraisal; include Clinical Audit, Evidence-Based Medical Protocol and Preventive Care Audit

    V. Structured Learning Activities, such as Portfolio For Self Learning Plan
  • Activities related to Teaching, Educational Development and Research

  • I. Teaching / Tutoring medical students in family medicine

    II. Clinical supervisor of vocational trainees in Family Medicine

    III. Acting as examiner for the Conjoint HKCFP / RACGP Fellowship Examination or HKCFP Exit Examination.

    IV. Being a CPR instructor or the Assessment Enhancement Course organize by the College

    V. Being a Moderator or speaker

    VI. Being a chairperson / speaker of the pre-approved small discussion

    VII. Research work related to the field of General Practice / Family Medicine.

    VIII. Publishing Journal articles, books or thesis
  • Activities related to Professional Development, such as demonstration of competence in family medicine by completing a course of study and passing the Conjoint HKCFP/RACGP Fellowship Examination, Specialty Board Exit examination, the basic life support(CPR) assessment organized by the College, Diploma examinations organized by the College, passing professional examination (Membership / Fellowship, etc) or academic examination (Diploma / Master Degree, etc) relevant to General Practice/Family Medicine
  • Activities related to Quality Development; including participating in a quality assurance activity, exercise, workshop or clinical attachment organized by the College.

  • All the forms can be downloaded from our website; You may also refer to the “The Regulation for Award of Quality Assurance” at or contact our QA & A Secretariat (Mr. John Ma or Ms. Natalie Ho) at 2871 8899 or email to for more detail information.

    Thank you.

    Dr King Chan
    Chairman, Quality Assurance & Accreditation Committee
