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(Updated) MCHK CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists

Dear Members,
RE: MCHK CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists
We received many enquiries from our members about managing their MCHK CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists under the College's administration.
The College Council discussed this matter and agreed in a recent Council meeting to provide related assistance starting from January 2017 to those members who would like to use the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) as Administrator of your MCHK CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists.
Members who opt for using HKAM as your MCHK CME administrator through HKCFP, shall note and agree to the following:
1. MCHK registrants have the responsibility to liaise with your current CME Administrator (HKMA, DU, and DH) for the necessary procedures in relation to change of the CME Administrator.
2. As required by HKAM, transfer of the CME Points from the previous CME Administrator can be arranged normally only after a CYCLE of programme has completed (instead of a year of programme).
3. In case of any discrepancy of the accredited CME Points between the College and the other Administrators, the College reserves the right of the final decision on the accredited CME Points.
As the College is required to report the CME Points to HKAM every 6 months,
4. Members who will attend overseas conferences are required to

(i) submit the details of the conference to the College for CME accreditation at least one month before the commencement of the conference; and

(ii) submit the record of the attendance within one month of the completion of the conference.
5. Members who are going to undertake self-study are requested to submit the details of the programme within one month of the completion of the self-study.
6. Members who are MCHK CME registrants should continue to sign on the respective HKAM CME attendance record sheet for CME record purpose as usual. To help the secretariat to well distinguish our members from others, please leave your HKCFP membership no or simply put HKCFP” in the column of HKAM.

Your submission may not be accredited if you fail to comply with the above-mentioned rules. 

The service is FREE of charge for members. In case of any discrepancy of the accredited CME Points, the College's accreditation is final.

Members who agree their MCHK CME records to be managed by the College, please kind download the Registration Consent Form at > Download > CME/CPD and return the completed form to the College Secretariat asap in order to facilitate the arrangement.


HKCFP Secretariat

24 November 2016
