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Reciprocal Recognition of Quality Assurance and Continuing Professional Development (QA&CPD) Program

Members of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, who live and work in Hong Kong and fulfill the requirements of the HKCFP Certificate of Quality Assurance, shall be deemed to fulfill the minimum requirements of the RACGP QA&CPD Program by reciprocal recognition between the two programs. Please refer to for the regulations for award of the HKCFP Certificate of Quality Assurance.

For the detail information regarding the RACGP QI&CPD Program, please visit:

Please note that the reciprocal recognition is for the Program but not for each individual education activity. Only those who fulfill the reciprocal recognition requirements shall be deemed to fulfill the RACGP requirements. RACGP also has the final authority of deciding whether their QA&CPD requirements are fulfilled.

The application should be reached the Secretariat on or before 28 February together with handling fee. Doctors, who wish to enroll into the reciprocal recognition programme, please contact the College Secretariat (Mr. John Ma or Ms. Natalie Ho) though or call 2871 8899 to get the application form.
