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World Family Doctor Day 2018 & "我的家庭醫生 3"

 Every year on 19 May we celebrate the World Family Doctor Day.  It was first declared by the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) on 2010 to give recognition to the role and contribution of family doctors in healthcare systems around the world.  The theme this year is "Family doctors - leading the way to better health".  


Thank you for being our health partner providing comprehensive, continuing, whole-person, coordinated and preventive care to us and our families. Family doctors play a crucial role in the delivery of primary care and safeguarding the health of the population, particularly in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. 

To echo the annual World Family Doctor Day and to promote the concept of family doctors, the Department of Health (DH) and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), with support from The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) have jointly produced a five-episode television programme "My Family Doctor 3".  The programme covers health topics like sexually transmitted diseases, mood problems, smoking and alcohol drinking, colorectal cancer and food allergy.  Through showcase of some real life stories, we will know more about how family doctors help to prevent and manage some health problems. 

“My Family Doctor 3” will be premiered on 19 May 2018 on RTHK Channel 31 and broadcast at 9:30pm to 10:00pm every Saturday till 16 June 2018.  It will also be broadcast at 6:00pm to 6:30pm every Tuesday from 22 May to 19 June 2018 on TVB Jade. Please stay tuned, check it out and share with your friends and patients!

The programme can be viewed online at

You can also download the Mobile Apps  ‘RTHK Screen’ to watch the programme live or at any time you prefer! 

For more information, please visit the website of the Primary Care Office of DH at , or visit HKCFP Facebook at 
Best Regards, 

The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians

Department of Health
