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Special remedial programme for HKCFP QA Programme 2017-19

Dear Members, 

Our College has received a number of feedbacks from members on difficulties in attending CME/CPD events due to social events in 2019 and also COVID-19 pandemic. 

Members’ difficulties have been acknowledged by our College Council. Having taken into account HKAM prevailing practice, the QA&A Committee as instructed by our College Council has formulated an one-off special remedial programme for members who have failed to fulfil the CME & CPD requirement for QA Certificate for 2017-19 under these very unusual circumstances.

The requirement for QA certificate is summarised as follows:

1.          A minimum of 90 points in total, including at least 30 CPD points.

2.          A maximum of 45 credit points will be counted for each category (3, 4, 5) of educational activities

3.          Participants must engage in ALL categories of activities

Interested members please take note of the key points on this“Special Remedial Programme for HKCFP QA Certificate 2017 - 2019”as follows:

1.    The CME programme for specialists managed by HKAM, and the CME programme for non-specialists managed by MCHK are two CME systems different from HKCFP’s CME/QA programme.

2.    The Special Remedial Programme is ONLY applicable to accreditation for HKCFP QA certificate 2017-2019;

2.    The completion date of the programme is 6 MONTHS from 1 January 2020 i.e. by 30 June 2020;

3.     Joining the Special Remedial Programme is on voluntary basis, upon application and approval by QA&A Committee by the date specified as below. Retrospective approval will NOT be entertained.

4.     A member shall be deemed to have fulfilled CME & CPD requirement for the HKCFP QA Certificate 2017-19 once he/she has obtained the minimally required points within the completion date. Any points collected thereafter within this period will be automatically counted under the next cycle. No CME/CPD points will be double counted in both cycles.

Interested members who wish to join the“Special Remedial Programme for HKCFP QA certificate 2017-2019”, please notify us by writing to our College secretariat Mr John Ma at by 27 April 2020 (Monday), the latest. The start date of this Special Remedial Programme will be the date of acknowledgement upon your notification.

Yours sincerely,

Dr King Chan

Chairman, Quality Assurance & Accreditation Committee
