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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Board of Education

Chairman: Dr. Chan King Hong

Advisors: Prof. Samuel Y. S. Wong (Chief Advisor)
Dr. Matthew M. H. Luk (IT)
Members: Dr. Simon C. L. Au
Dr. Leo C. W. Kong
  Dr. Edmond C. W. Chan
Dr. Mary B. L. Kwong

Dr. Alvin C. Y. Chan 

Dr. Edmund W. W. Lam
Dr. Louis K. W. Chan

Dr. Florence S. S. Lai

Dr. Mark S. H. Chan
Dr. Vincent W. S. Li

Dr. David S. L. Chan
Dr. Danny P. K. Ma

Dr. Winnie W. Y. Chan
Dr. Mo Kam Chuen

Dr. Catherine X. R. Chen
Dr. Lorna Ng

Dr. Cupid P. S. Cheng
Dr. Annie K. Y. Or

Dr. Cheung Ying Man
Dr. Leon George Tong

Dr. Thomas M. C. Dao

Dr. Tong Siu Man
Dr. Anthony K. Y. Ho

Dr. Robert H. S. Tsui

Dr. Winson W. Y. Hung

Dr. Wong Ka Wah

Dr. Jack S. H. Ko

Dr. Wong Pak Hoi
Staff: Please check


Board of Education is one of the major boards in our college HKCFP.

Its forerunner, the Education Committee, was established in 1978. The Committee ran a busy educational program and arranged a whole year of functions with credit points approved by the Board of Censors. Members could also participate in the quarterly self-assessment Correspondence Programme using the MCQ paper in our college journal “The Hong Kong Practitioner”. The first Annual Refresher Course was started in 1981.

In 1984, the education committee was renamed as the Board of Education. The scope of activities was widened to include Update Seminars, Clinical Attachment, Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) workshop, and Assessment Enhancement Course (AEC). 

In 2005, a video library was established and the Professional Development Subcommittee was formed to develop Special Interest Groups.

Introduction to Board of Education 2023

With the introduction of primary  healthcare blueprint in 2023, the new CPD program of RACGP in 2023, and an inevitable shift to the digital platform over issuing years of COVID pandemic, the Board of Education is restructured after the arrival of our new Chairman in 2023.  The Board of Education now operates under 7 working groups to cater for the rapid changing and evolving primary healthcare landscape in Hong Kong. The various workgroups are:

  1. Advance Knowledge & Skill (AKS): Physical classroom, annual events and courses; practical classroom and CPR; small groups and special interest.
  2. Web-based learning (WBL): Virtual classroom development
  3. Measure outcome activities (MOA): new user friendly routes to CME/CPD development 
  4. Review performance, standard & feedback (RP&S): QC 
  5. Strategies and collaboration (S&C): Steering amidst change 
  6. Primary HC Blueprint commissioned teaching (PHCBPCT) & “FM mindset”: pending
  7. Record & Business Support (R&BS)

From left to right:
Dr. Alvin CHAN, Dr. David CHAN, Dr. TONG Siu Man, Dr. Florence LAI, Dr. Leon George TONG, Dr. Mary KWONG, Dr. King CHAN, Dr. Cupid CHENG, Dr. Louis CHAN, Prof. Samuel WONG, Dr. Edmond CHAN, Dr. Thomas DAO and Dr. HUNG Wai Yin

On screen (from top left to bottom right):
Dr. Jack KO, Dr. Matthew LUK, Dr. Annie OR and Dr. Lorna NG
